    摘要:本规划设计是对南京市红花机场地块的废弃机场跑道周边绿地的规划改造。在上位规划的指导下,对该绿地进行了科学合理的改造设计,既保留了现状机场跑道的轴线景观,又规划了丰富的自然景观和人群活动。以Fly into the wild(走向自然)为规划理念,沿着机场跑道记忆轴,规划出由人工逐步走向自然的轴线。在强调机场跑道轴线的同时,没有忽略绿地南北方向的交通和连接。最终形成了自然景观丰富、人群活动与自然景观相和谐的市区绿地设计。38762
    Landscape Plan and Design of Industrial Wasteland
    Abstract: In this paper, the first part combed the research and practice of urban renewal movement from the last century to the present. And the urban renewal strategy practice method also has been carried on the combing and comparison. Second part of the paper starts from the definition of industrial wasteland, and then introduces the development of repair of industrial wasteland in the 20th century, from New York's central park a remnant update for landscape green space first started, to the end of last century reforming practice in Duisburg factory, to the contemporary persified land restoration. Repair and summed up three kinds of lands using mode and method. Finally summed up the land to repair how should play some role in the urban renewal movement, the key lies in the prophase of green space system planning and construction of public space.
    Key words: urban renewal;abandoned airstrip;public space;
    摘要    3
    关键词    3
    Abstract    3
    Key words    3
    引言    3
    1.1城市更新概念    3
    1.2城市更新主流策略    3
    1.2.2文化主导的城市更新策略    4
    1.2.3可持续发展策略    4
    1.3城市更新方法途径研究    4
    1.4 城市更新中工业废弃地的处理方法    5
    1.5废弃地利用模式总结    5
    1.5.1生态修复型    5
    1.5.2功能置换型    5
    1.5.3文化保护型    5
    1.6国内工业废弃地改造实践    6
    1.7小结    6
    2 规划设计说明    6
    2.1项目概况    6
    2.1.1项目背景    6
    2.2项目区位    7
    2.3周边交通与环境    7
    2.3.1交通条件    7
    2.3.2周边环境    7
    2.4现状分析    7
    2.6规划依据    7
    2.7规划目标    8
    2.8规划原则    8
    2.9规划理念    8
    2.10主要规划策略    8
    2.11规划构架    8
    2.12规划内容    9
    2.12.1分区    9
    2.12.2交通道路规划    9
    2.12.3建筑设施规划    10
    2.12.4竖向规划    10
    2.12.5种植规划    10
    3 总结与思考    10
    致谢    10
    参考文献    10
    附图    11
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