    摘 要:赈灾,顾名思义,就是赈济灾害、救助灾害、帮助灾民。设计一款能给灾民带来家一般温暖的多功能赈灾简易房是我进行本次课题研究的关键所在。目前,市面上所存在的赈灾简易房都存在着各种各样的缺点。而我本次进行的设计,就是为了解决这一系列的问题,并加以创新。在我看来,这在简易房的设计有以下几个创新点:第一,生活空间合理化,满足人们不同的生活需求;第二,模块化,这主要考虑到的是赈灾简易房在进行批量生产时的效率、运输过程中的快捷性、搭建时的便利程度;第三,要遵循可持续发展理念,赈灾简易房必须可回收再利用,不会带来污染。我设计的这款赈灾简易房,与传统的救灾帐篷、活动板房最大的区别在于它可以满足灾民两至三年的居住,为灾后重建工作提供保障。39660
    毕业论文关键词:赈灾简易房;再利用;模块化;多功能 Design of multi-function relief starter home
    Abstract:Disaster relief, just as its name implies, is to relieve disasters, disaster relief, to help the victims ofthe disaster.Design can bring home to people the general warm multi-function relief bunk is the key to thistopic research.On market at present, the existing relief homes there are all kinds of faults.And I carried out thedesign, in order to solve a series of problems, and innovation.In my opinion, this in a bunk design has thefollowing several innovations: first, the rationalization of living space, meet the demand of people of differentlife;Second, modular, the main consideration to the disaster relief a bunk in the batch production efficiency,transportation in the process of fast speed, the convenience degree of the scaffolding;Third, we should followthe concept of sustainable development, disaster relief homes must can be recycled, will not bring pollution.Idesigned this relief bunk, and the traditional disaster relief tents, prefabricated houses the biggest difference isthat it can meet the victims of two to three years of living, providing guarantee for post-disaster reconstructionwork.
    Keywords:Disaster relief homes;Reuse;Modular;multi-function
    目 录
    1 前言…1
    1.1 赈灾简易房的研究背景1
    1.2 赈灾简易房研究的目的和意义…2
    1.3 赈灾简易房研究的现状和主要内容…3
    2 赈灾简易房的研究方法和技术路线4
    2.1 赈灾简易房的研究研究方法4
    2.1.1 赈灾简易房的市场调查…4
    2.1.2 赈灾简易房的概念形成…5
    2.1.3 赈灾简易房的工程图与三文建模…5
    2.1.4 赈灾简易房的模型制作…6
    2.1.5 后期整理…6
    2.2 赈灾简易房的技术路线6
    3 赈灾简易房的设计调研和设计分析8
    3.1 赈灾简易房的设计前期调研分析8
    3.1.1 赈灾的定义8
    3.1.2 简易房的定义…8
    3.1.3 恢复重建的基本内容8
    3.1.4 赈灾简易房所使用的材料9
    3.2 赈灾简易房的调研分析…10
    3.2.1 分析归纳多功能赈灾简易房的特点…10
    3.2.2 归纳确定赈灾简易房的设计方向11
    4 赈灾简易房的设计构思 13
    4.1 赈灾简易房的设计定位 …13
    4.2 赈灾简易房的设计构思 …14
    4.3 赈灾简易房的构思草图 …15
    5 赈灾简易房的设计方案和分析 19
    5.2 赈灾简易房的方案分析21
    5.2.1 赈灾简易房的功能分析…21
    5.2.4 赈灾简易房的尺寸说明和依据22
    结与展望 23
    后记 …24
    参考文献 …25
    附录 …27
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