    Storage Box Design Of Smart Home Under The Aging Society
    Abstract: At present, the population over 60 years age accounts for about 14% in china, population aging issues outstanding, empty nesters are also increasing. The elderly product demand soared, elderly supplies industry will become an important component of the market. Currently, few products designed for the elderly, products lack a clear market positioning, function, single function, modeling monotonous, deep color, ignoring the aesthetic needs. Along with the growth of the age, elderly physiological function is constantly degraded. They need more living assisted supplies, in order to make goods more neat and easy to find, a storage box for the elderly is very important. Based on the full investigation and analysis of research on the existing storage box. The target population aimed at elderly aged 60 to 75. Receive a case of existing modeling, function design, color, size, etc. In consideration of the special circumstances of the elderly, such as: forgetful, decreased vision, and relatively low degree of culture, designed function to meet their needs. Intelligent and multi-function incorporated into the design of the storage box, composite design. the final plan be presented in the form of plastic, on the basis of practical applicability, make the produce has easy-use, convenience and other characteristics.
    Keywords: Elderly storage box design; Intelligent; Multifunctional; Modular
    目 录
    摘 要:    I
    目 录    III
    1 前言    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究的目的和意义    1
    1.3研究的现状和主要内容    2
    2 研究方法和技术路线    4
    2.1 研究方法    4
    2.1.1 市场调查    5
    2.1.2 概念形成    5
    2.1.3 工程图与三文建模    5
    2.1.4 模型制作    5
    2.1.5 后期整理    6
    2.2 技术路线    6
    3设计调研和设计分析    7
    3.1设计前期调研分析    7
    3.1.1老年人的定义    7
    3.1.2 收纳盒的定义    7
    3.1.3收纳盒的材料    7
    3.1.4现有收纳盒简介    8
    3.2分析归纳现有收纳盒特点    12
    3.3归纳确定设计方向    13
    4 设计构思    15
    4.1设计定位    15
    4.2设计构思    17
    4.3概念草图    19
    5 设计方案和分析    24
    5.1设计方案    24
    5.1.1效果图    24
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