
    摘要: 本文旨在让0-8岁的儿童有个优质的睡眠以及健康良好的成长,为有孩子的家长们设计了一款适合宝宝睡前使用的音乐故事的交互界面。通过对于儿童心理学的研究和幼儿睡眠质量的调查,分析了宝宝的睡眠对于宝宝健康的影响、音乐以及故事对宝宝起到的作用。基于幼儿喜欢正义感的人物故事和抒情的音乐,提出宝宝睡前音乐故事的UI设计方案。在设计过程中主要运用Flash软件进行制作设计,完成了一款同时适用于家长以及儿童的交互界面。设计中通过主界面的导航,使家长或孩子能自主地选择自己所感兴趣的音乐故事。通过对幼儿成长和身心健康有帮助的音乐故事,来促进幼儿良好的睡眠,同时潜在地刺激了幼儿的大脑和心智的成长。正义感的人物故事能让孩子区分善恶,抒情的音乐能进化他们的心灵,好的音乐故事不仅能安抚孩子入睡,也是他们成长中的重要部分。43492

    毕业论文关键词: UI设计;幼儿睡眠;儿童音乐;睡前故事;儿童心理学

    UI Design For Baby Bedtime Music Story

    Abstract: This article is intended for the 0 to 8 years old children to have a good quality of sleep and healthy growth, to design a music story used in the interface which is suitable for baby bedtime for parents. Through the study of child psychology and children sleep quality investigation , the author has analyzed the effects of baby's sleep to baby health, the important role music and story plays in baby's life.  The author proposed to the UI design of baby bedtime music proposal based on that children like like-minded people stories and lyrical music. In the design process, the author mainly used Flash software for design, and has completed the interface which is both suitable for parents and children to use. The navigation of the main interface enables parents or children to choose their interested music story independently. Through the music story which can do better for childhood development , mental and physical health,to promote children good night's sleep, and potentially stimulate the growth of children's brain and mind. Stories of a sense of justice help children to distinguish between good and evil, lyrical music can evolve their hearts, good music stories are not only to appease the baby to sleep, but also an important part of their growth.

    Keywords: UI design; children sleep; children music; bedtime story; child psychology


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题介绍 1

    1.1.1 课题研究的目的与意义 1

    1.1.2 课题的内容、重点、难点 2

    1.2 课题调研情况 3

    1.2.1 调研方法 3

    1.2.2 调研内容 4

    1.3 国内外研究情况 4

    1.3.1 国内研究现状与发展趋势 4

    1.3.2 国外研究现状与发展趋势 5

    1.4 开发工具的选用

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