



    Analysis of Jing Hao's painting from to Kuang Lutu


    The creation of Lutu Marina Lutu Marina; Dongju, mentoring the development of landscape painting in the early Tang Dynasty had the ink landscape painting, in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period has a great change, the formation of the Northern School of landscape painting in Jing as the representative of the southern landscape painting, they in the art of painting has obvious differences, With their own distinctive regional characteristics and artistic style, Northern style grand Jun thick; southern gentle light. This paper mainly discusses the Jing Hao, he described in the northern landscape painting status, and of his masterpiece Kuang Lutu the brief introduces, from Kuang Lutu the concentrated expression of the Jing Hao landscape painting techniques, he passed on Through the Tang Dynasty painting techniques based on the collection of their own ideas to make the formation of their own unique landscape painting techniques and complete theoretical basis for the development of future generations have had a profound impact.

    Jing Hao's Brushwork is the sign of the maturity of Chinese painting theory, the Brushwork is Jing Hao in the experience after a summary of the classical theory, Jing Hao's theory of modern still has practical significance, landscape painter of natural things change depth pursuit, the contemporary painter in understanding and feelings in raising the personal qualities, which put forward the "six to" is the actual requirements of painting, which in the history of aesthetics has unique contribution.

    Key Words: Jing Hao  true theory of Graphs  Kuang Lutu  Brushwork

     目  录




    一、背景介绍 1







    四、荆浩的地位及影响 -3




    一  背景介绍


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