


    Analysis on the traditional design of private gardens  

    ——A Case Study on the private garden of Jiangnan

    Abstract: Landscape design is an important type of architectural art , one of the essential content of Chinese classical garden lies by including rocks, water management, building construction, plant configuration, and so-called garden of the four basic elements and road settings, Pavement and furnishings layout and other organic elements with a reasonable structure, organized into a rich taste but full of artistic conception beautiful of pleasant environment. However, with respect to general construction entities, garden embodied the spiritual qualities and culture more prominent, requiring designers to have more knowledge and greater consideration. Chinese classical private garden  as a typical representative of the history of gardens in the world, a unique, exclusive one seat position, precious historical and cultural heritage of all mankind. In this paper, the traditional private courtyard concept, through a private courtyard Zhenjiang overall design concept, design techniques, landscape elements, the use of functional analysis, summarized the various elements of regional design itself with the relationship between the courtyard. Zhenjiang combined climate, hydrological soil conditions, local culture, economic status and other factors to consider in the courtyard of traditional application methods. By analyzing, summarize, summarize some information about garden design embodies the traditional way of hope for the future of the private courtyard traditional design play a reference role.

    Key Word: Private courtyard, Southern Regional Culture, Traditional design. 

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