    摘要: 水彩画作为一门独立的画种,在创作观点上就带有很强的唯美主义倾向,其装饰性是随时存在的。装饰色彩在色彩上表现为平面空间的对比关系,一般不强调三文空间的真实光影和透视等因素。因此,只要制作出来的装饰画具有装饰意,能够充分利用材料艺术表现上的关系,形式独特的装饰美都可以称为具有装饰性的装饰画。
    Watercolor painting as a kind of painting, creative perspective with a strong aesthetic tendencies, its decoration is always there. Decorative colors in the color contrast between the flat space, generally do not emphasize the real three-dimensional space of light and shadow and perspective. Therefore, as long as the produced decorative painting decorative means, you can take full advantage of the relationship between the material in artistic expression, a unique form of decoration of the United States can be called decorative decorative painting.
    European Art Nouveau movement in the late nineteenth century brought new opportunities for the development of decorative arts, The Impressionist art affect the artistic concept of change, and promote the generation of modern art, painting color styling changes. Changes in the development of Chinese painting is very large, since the beginning of the 20th century, artists in artistic creation also continue to experience a variety of genres and styles, despite the different forms of development, but works for the viewer, will not only act on the vision, will also realizing the soul. Although watercolor the decorative development time and space is slightly lower than other kinds of painting, but had a profound impact on the development of contemporary art, to convey the concept of contemporary art, the performance of personal experience, the highlight of the cultural attitudes have important practical value.
    Key Words:Watercolor;   Decorative colors;    Useful
    目   录
    一、    引言 3
    二、    装饰性与水彩画的表现关系 3
    三、    装饰色彩的特征及运用 4
    四、    国内画家对于装饰性的探索 5
    五、    我在创作中的感受和领悟 7
    751、    结论 8
    七、    致谢 9
    八、    参考文献10
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