



    Abstract:In recent years, the rapid development of China's interior design, the influx of fresh blood. A large number of new Western design ideas into China, received such a strong impact, gradually with the Chinese interior design tend to be westernized. Thoughtful design styles and genres with traditional Chinese culture was on a "bench", was put aside. In constantly development of indoor design of big environment Xia, only will traditional of "ancient" with "new" of form or way to rendering out, will traditional patterns clever to fusion in has innovation sex and novel sex of now indoor design in the to, so "ancient" and "new" of fusion, to real develop has China geographical features of indoor design style, conform to today indoor design of development trend and development trend.

    Paper on the design of traditional classification summary, links to the modern style of Interior design, trend research, reveals the limitations of the use of traditional patterns in modern interior design, leads to the necessity and importance of traditional patterns of development. Through some representative examples accompanied by pictures to study the application of traditional pattern in modern interior design, summarize the use of new methods and principles, as well as traditional patterns in design innovation should continue to develop innovative, new ways of using and into interior design.

    Key words:Traditional patterns ; Interior Design; Design innovation; Chinese teahouse


    绪论 1

    一、中国传统纹样概述.  . . 2


    1.2中国传统纹样的分类 2

    二、当代室内设计的现状与发展趋势. .  4

    2.1当代室内设计现状 . 4

    2.2当代室内设计的发展趋势  4

    三、中国传统纹样在当代室内设计中的运用. . 5

    3.1传统纹样在室内界面设计的运用 6

    3.2 传统纹样的解构与重塑. . . 7

    3.3 传统纹样与当代设计的融合. . . 9

    四、隐居茶舍设计中对于传统纹样的运用.   10

    结论   12

    致谢.  . 13

    参考文献 . . 14

    绪 论


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