

    毕业论文关键词: Unity3d;仙侠风格游戏场景设计游戏;

    The Design of XianXia Style Game Scene

    Abstract: This task for XianXia style game scene design, the design purpose in 3 ds Max, adobe Photoshop, implementing character set, scene design, the textures of the scene, item model design and production, etc. Using Unity3d for architecture and building a development platform for setting, presents the final results. The process of subject probably is pided into several parts: analysis of the integral style of the game, conceive the plot and setting of the game, according to the above game scene is the whole of the overall conception and design; Scenario, the role of the original painting drawing; Integral style grasp the macroeconomic regulation and control; The basic function of the code. This game is based on Unity3d for development of PC, the player can open at leisure the beauty appreciation and sensual touch mind XianXia games for recreation. From now the hearts of the people demand to see, can touch more such games XianXia the nostalgic feelings of the Chinese nation, and with the improving of the computer hardware equipment performance, people's demands of the big game will be more and more. A good XianXia game must have a unique scenery of humanities, drama, music, on collocation, can be witty rendering environment unique audio-visual sensory experience, according to now is about to play a good 3 d games and probably look as compelling as a 3 d movie. 3 d engine 2 d or 2.5 d from the past flat interface of the game, players will lead to a unique charm of the mysterious country, to explore the experience in the 3 d world. And with the increasing development of research on Unity3d, by using the Unity3d production, the heart of the beautiful game is thorough players with different game play, players can and partners at the same time in the experience of an exchange experience, more engaged the sense. So this topic research is designed to use the above mentioned software to produce a have time contemporary XianXia game scenarios, designed to emotion in the scene, to the scene to affection, use scenarios to tell a story.

    Keywords: Unity3d;XianXia Game;

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