    摘要:  论文首先分析了多媒体宣传册的背景、发展以及其现状,然后再对多媒体宣传册的定位以及制作方法和内容进行分析,从而开始了对多媒体宣传册的设计与制作。多媒体宣传册的设计包括整体的架构、整体的风格设计、核心导航、跳转以及内容的动画、音乐的添加、代码的编程等部分。本多媒体宣传册的设计运用到了flash中的时间轴动画,并加上了AS3.0的代码来实现一些效果,使其与动画有机结合,为多媒体宣传册的设计起到润色的作用。论文重点对多媒体宣传册的制作过程进行了详细的论述,包括“媒体宣传册的视觉要素”、“整体框架设计”、“各个板块设计”这几个部分,在论述的过程中配以截图来做辅助的说明。论文在之后还写到了一些关于多媒体宣传册设计的新思路,尽管没有用在自己的作品里,但也有值得分析的地方。在多媒体宣传册的设计与制作过程中我发现,多媒体宣传册就是将图片、视频、声音、文字有机集合在一起的一种全新企业网络推广方式。关键词    多媒体;宣传样册;传媒公司;计算机8176
    The multimedia publicity brochure of advertising media company
    Abstract: The multimedia publicity brochure of advertising media company uses multimedia as the carrier, with media company enterprise culture, enterprise products for communication content, the goal is to become effective carrier in the enterprise marketing, and publicity. In short, the multimedia brochure is a new enterprise network promotion technology together with pictures, video, sound, text. With the development of modern society electronic business,  business activities have become more and more demand for the fast, convenient, efficient. Multimedia brochure is emerge as the times require in this market environment. After the development of the computer industry, all kinds of mobile storage equipment is developing rapidly, which brings great inspiration to the enterprise publicity. The effect of corporate brochure in the modern enterprise business process has been identified and accepted by the general enterprise,but more and more enterprises have no clear understanding in the effect of brochure’s brand building. If modern foreign trade enterprises to participate in the exhibition or an important meeting, also waste a lot of manpower, material resources, financial resources in the traditional brochure, how the modern commercial activities to reflect the business! Not only is the foreign trade enterprises, including overseas buyers will not want to take the thick paper materials. The paper materials store not only little content and inconvenient to carry.The market is calling for the birth of a new enterprise culture media ,it is the multimedia publicity brochure.
    Keywords:    the Internet; the website design;the website construction; the website expand
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    企业宣传册制作的必要性和作用    1
    1.1.1    商业活动中的形象推广    2
    1.1.2    公司特点以及产品的介绍    2
    1.1.3    设计宣传册时的注意要点    2
    1.2    国内外企业网站的现状、水平和发展趋势    2
    1.2.1    国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.2.2    发展趋势    4
    2    分析    5
    2.1    传媒公司多媒体宣传册的定位分析    5
    2.1.1    宣传册设计要站在品牌建设的高度    5
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