


    Abstract:China the ancient civilization was broad and profound, the calligraphy took a radiant pearl deeply has attracted person of deeply the later generation. In Chinese calligraphy development process, calligraphy theory although late in technique production, but he is day by day prosperous along with the technique development, is prosperous. Not only the calligraphy theory is a calligraphy history, also is a philology history. It has contained the calligraphy aspects, to calligraphy technique development significant impetus function. "Book Breaks", "Continues Book To break" took in the calligraphy theory opposed the later generation to have the profound influence greatly, "Book Broke" three appraisals which originally created to discuss for the later generation appraises discusses has opened the new world. "Continues Book To break" is "Book Breaks" after one to discuss, it has inherited "Book Breaks" three elaboration styles, "Breaks with Book" has something in common, but he also has own unique merit. Because wants more systematic to understand "Book Breaks" and "Continues Book Breaks" the common ground and the difference, also in view of the fact that had not found both similarities and differences article which studies specially, therefore then by shallowly discussed "Book Breaks" and "Continues Book To break" writes on another's behalf the family to Tang “the god, wonderfully, energy” comments the duck standard similarities and differences to analyze as the breakthrough point.

    Keywords: Shu duan,  Xu shu duan,  a review of the 'standard

    1 引言 4

    2 “神、妙、能”产生的渊源 4

    2.1 “神、妙、能”之渊源 4

    2.2 “神、妙、能”之定义 5

    3 张怀瓘与朱长文简介 6

    3.1 张怀瓘与朱长文生平简介。 6

    3.1.1张怀瓘 6

    3.1.2朱长文 7

    3.2 《书断》、《续书断》的内容及其影响 7

    3.2.2《书断》 7

    3.2.3《续书断》 8

    4 《书断》与《续书断》评鹜标准之同 8

    4.1 体例的传承 9

    4.2 非艺术因素的影响 9

    5 《书断》与《续书断》评鹜标准之异

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