    摘要 :在艺术长河中,对女性画家的描述多简略而语嫣不详。由于近现代东西方文化的不断融合,社会人文精神的自由和开放,中国女油画家逐渐有了广阔的创作空间和自由,其作品呈现多元化的发展趋势。同时,女性的自主意识、审美趣也逐渐摆脱了男性审美标准的限制,或多或少地体现了独立的女性审美品位。她们有着和男性画家同样的热情和艺术追求,任何地区的美术创作,女性画家都是一支从弱到强、不可忽视且富有特色的力量。女画家作为创作、生活与社会的多重性的角色,使她们有着不同于男性画家的生命情感体验和思文特征,有着较男性更善于接受和感觉印象的能力,有女性体会世界的细微和善意,有将自己卷入情感和审美意愿的女性执拗和女性惯性表达,她们以女性特有的柔韧和对世界的敏锐观察、对生活的细腻感受,以自己独特的审美视角、女性创作风格以及色8283
    彩感觉,给人们带来审美愉悦和审美享受。关键词:女性特征    女性主义    色彩表现    绘画语言
        The description of the female artists is brief in the history of art. Due to the continued integration of Eastern and Western culture in modern ,freedom and opening  of the social and human spirit  ,Chinese female artists gradually have a wider room for creativity and freedom,their works renders a wide range of development trends.While female self-consciousness and aesthetic taste are also moving away from the male standards of beauty limited,embodies the independent woman of aesthetic taste more or less.Female artists have  the same enthusiasm and artistic pursuits of male artists, They were a team from weak to strong, cannot be ignored and the distinctive forces  in any part of the fine arts creation.  As a multiplicity of creative, life and society,female artists have different emotional experiences of life and thinking characteristics from Male artist. They have a more receptive than their male counterparts and the ability to sense impressions,women appreciate subtle and goodwill of the world,involvement of their emotional and aesthetic aspirations of female expression of stubborn and inertia.They by women unique flexibility and keen observation of the world, the delicate feelings of the life, with its own unique aesthetic perspective, female's style and color feeling, give people aesthetic pleasure and enjoyment.
    Key Words:  Feminine traits;      The feminist;      Color performance;
    目   录
    一、引言  1

    二、女性意识的萌动与觉醒  1

    三、影响女性画家的绘画风格的因素  2

      1、时代背景   2

      2、女性特征   4

      3、个人历程   6

    四、中国女性画家的表达方式  7

    五、结论  8

    751、致谢   10

    七、参考文献   11
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