    Beauty salon -- clean massage equipment development space
    Abstract:With the pace of the times constantly leap, the improvement of the living standard, people pay more and more attention to their appearance and, through a variety of ways to create a personality of their own, for their endorsement. In recent years, the beauty industry is gradually on the rise, hairdressing equipment products also emerge in an endless stream, the barber shop using different instruments to establish their own perfect image for the customer. But the automatic cleaning massage equipment R & D and design is also very little, basic is the white stage.
    Hairdressing industry I personally think is a never decline of the industry, as long as there is a demand there will be beauty, beauty, go to the salon has entered ordinary people in real life, the Chinese population is the biggest in the world, has great potential, not now women, even the men doing the beauty salon the trend is irresistible, so that the development space for auxiliary instrument this one industry will allow the industry to have a better.
    Washing machine, massage machine belongs to industrial products. On the market of high-end barber shop, we can see, for customers to provide a good service environment are the main purpose. I think the automation instrument both become shampoo means to design a multifunctional. Its main function is to massage head for the customer to save, hair salon shampoo, shampoo massage steps for customers, is a kind of human resource saving, but also a new way for the majority of the public service. Such a automation instrument with a novel appearance design, became the mainstream of hair on the market in the next few years will be.
    The main content of this paper is the analysis of the existing hairdressing apparatus, their structure, function, use, appearance, from theory to practice, design a consistent with domestic style salon equipment products. This is a very good development space.
    Keywords: salon; multifunction; automatic; environmental protection; popularization
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