



    Title     Research and design of data collecting device for laboratory                                                                                                

    Abstract The object of this study is the laboratory data acquisition device, widely used in teaching and research, medical diagnosis and scientific research, advanced science and technology development and other fields. Through the investigation and study to the user, the final design of the guiding ideology based on the user's aesthetic needs and the actual situation, to design beautiful shape, reasonable cost, meet the demand of enterprises and the needs of users of the products For the design of this project involved the laboratory data acquisition analyzer and sensors, is from the function, shape, material, processing technology, and the use of setting and other aspects, so that the scheme is feasible, and break through the limitations in the shape of similar products

    Keywords:Laboratory data acquisition device; user modeling; materials;

    1 绪论 2

    1.1   课题背景2

    1.2   课题来源2

    1.3   课题内容2

    2 产品的资料收集和分析  3

    2.1   产品调查3

    2.1.1   实验室数据采集装置的市场概况  3

    2.1.2   实验室数据采集装置的现状与发展  3

    2.2   设计调研4

    2.2.1 实验室数据采集装置的工作模式 4

    2.2.2 使用者调查 5

    2.3   明确设计定位5

    2.3.1 主机的产品设计定位 5

    2.3.2 传感器的产品设计定位 6

    3 实验室数据采集装置主机的设计  6

    3.1   使用分析以及主要尺寸确定6

    3.2   前期草图7

    3.3   选定方案8

    3.4   建立三维模型8

    3.5   尺寸9

    3.6   最终效果图与材料选择10

    3.7   模型制作11

    4 传感器的设计  11

    4.1   光电门传感器的设计12


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