
    摘要工笔人物传神写照动态表情笔墨摘 要:中国人物画的“传神写照”要求画者把握和体验艺术形象的神态,通过刻画“神”来表现艺术形象,从而达到“写照”的目的。传神写照被奉为中国人物画的创作主旨,使中国人物画取得极高的艺术成就。在文化艺术大融合的现代中国, 中国人物画技法层出不穷,但“传神写照”依然占据举足轻重的地位。60884


    毕业论文关键词:工笔人物, 传神写照, 动态,表情,笔墨

    Abstract:The Chinese figure painting "vivid portrayal" require initiated grasp and experience the artistic image of expression, through depicting "god" to express the artistic image, so as to achieve the aim of "reflection". Vivid portrayal is regarded as the Chinese figure painting creation theme, make the Chinese figure painting has very high artistic achievement. In the arts and culture integration of modern China, the Chinese figure painting techniques emerge in endlessly, but "vivid portrayal" still occupied pivotal position.

    In this paper, in addition to expound the important position in fine brushwork figure painting "vivid portraiture", mainly from three aspects in this paper, the dynamic, expression, ink I created claborate-style painting the parents go to which, the key characters vividly. And then come to the conclusion: with the continuous development of era, the connotation of Chinese figure painting "vivid portrayal" will be continuously enriched and updated, the Chinese fine brushwork figure painting will also present the face of changing constantly.

    Key words: Traditional Chinese realistic painting figures, vivid portrayal, dynamic, expression, pen and ink

    引言 4

    1  “传神写照”在工笔人物画中的重要地位 4

    2  工笔人物画的传神关键 5

    2.1  动态传神 5

    2.2  表情传神 6

    2.3  笔墨传神 6

    结语 8

    参考文献 9

    致谢 10

     引 言


    中国东晋大画家顾恺之,善于画肖像画和历史人物画,他在自己的创作实践中,运用“形神论”来探讨美学的问题,提出了以“传神写照”为核心的绘画理论,并提出了人物画“传神”的要求。他在画人像时,有时画好的人形间隔数年都不点上眼睛,人问其故源]自=751-·论~文"网·www.751com.cn/,顾曰:“四体妍蚩,本无关于妙处,传神写照,正阿堵之中。” 顾恺之提出的“神”是指画中人物的精神状态和神情特点,而“写照”一词源于佛学,代表着主体的感知能力,就应在人的心灵、智慧中表现,由于眼睛是心灵的窗户,所以画的妙处不在形体的塑造,而在于传神,要做到传神关键在于对人物画像眼睛的描绘。通过手中画笔使画中人物“窃眸欲语,览之若面”。

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