

    毕业论文关键词  机床  创新  设计  人机工程学  方法


    Title     The  Innovative  Industrial  Design  of  Rui  Cheng Machine  Tool                                                

    Abstract The topic of graduation design is The Innovative Industrial Design of Rui Cheng Machine Tool, whose goal is the innovative research of machine products’ appearance design. This topic mainly aimed at gathering data about the domestic and foreign machine tool as well as the study of design, analyzing the research background, present situation and prospects of machine tool, then according to the analysis result carrying on the design practice about Rui Cheng machine tool. Before that, Ergonomics, Color, texture and processing technology must be involved. At the same time, the outward appearance may be extended from the operating feel and function. Then Machine tool is contemporary, new feeling, accord with environment. Through the study of the subject the knowledge of related design methods for machine tool and similar large product is improved, the relationship between theory and practice is understood, the various aspects of industrial design in practical project is mastered.

    Keywords:  Machine tool,  Innovative,  Design,  Ergonomics,  Methods

    1  绪论     1

    1.1  课题简介与设计目标    1

    1.2  机床工业设计的背景    1

    1.3  机床工业设计的定义    2

    1.4  国内外机床工业设计的现状    2

    1.5  机床工业设计创新的现实意义    3

    2  研究过程和理论依据     4

    2.1  设计流程规划    4

    2.2  设计调研    5

    2.3  设计理论依据   12

    3  设计方案阐述    14

    3.1  设计对象分析   14

    3.2  设计定位   17

    3.3  前期方案   18

    3.4  最终方案   25

    3.5  模型制作   28

    4  设计感想  30

    结论   31

    致谢   32

    参考文献   33

    1  绪论

    1.1  课题简介与设计目标

    1.1.1  课题简介


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