

    毕业论文关键词  团队项目管理 个人效率 跨平台软件 交互设计

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    The UI design of mobile application Tita,the Enterprise Social Networking                                                 

    Abstract The graduation project is the development of a software based on the methodology of White Board Management and Theory of GTD personal time management. Form the rapid development of science and technology, industry driven by productivity changing, the resulting knowledge intensive economy makes us how effectively lead the elite team, improve the work efficiency. The author in the domestic leading companies involved in the development enterprise human resources management team work management software, profound understanding to the present market the huge demand of this kind of tool software, as well as the product is not yet mature in this field. So borrow bijie design this opportunity to redesign a aid the team management and to improve personal productivity software. The graduation design in the study of similar competing products at the same time, detailed study the needs of target populations, and the cloud office concept into the design and development, with scientific software interface interaction theory makes the web and mobile app platform tools software. Consider this product repeatedly during the orientation and the corresponding functionality and UI style, makes every effort to create the most simple operation mode, the most pure and simple interface. This graduate design truly according to the enterprise development process, from the underlying demand into explicit function conditions, complete the page structure design, then carries on the interface beautification, the use of web development tools to its implementation. Through the implementation of the whole process, to enhance the understanding of product development, but also because of independent take on all the work in the development process, deepening the understanding of different role respectively in the development team work.


    1.1 课题简介与设计目标1

    1.2  看板模式与当代管理学简介1

    1.3  GTD个人时间管理方法简介2

    1.4  云办公介绍3

    2    课题研究过程与理论依据3

    2.1 Tita产品设计流程制定与相应的设计工具3

    2.2 企业团队协作及个人效率软件的市场需求调研4

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