


    毕业论文关键词:金汇镇;达令港; 城市公园;总体规划;

    Jin Hui Darling Harbor Town Park Planning and Design

    Abstract: with the development of social economy, urban rapid expansion, buildings, high-rise buildings in the city, neon suspension, cement pavement and other hard landscape has occupied every corner of the city, the original natural landscape has gradually faded, and urban residents in the tall buildings stand back and forth every day, but for clean natural pursuit becomes unusually strong, especially now that the urban land resources in extremely nervous cause building crowded, heavy traffic, people lack of outdoor sports leisure space, green space is more a lack of close to nature. Thus, in order to satisfy the demand of urban residents, the urban green space, urban park as an important part of urban green space, to meet the needs of people, it is of great significance.

    The planning and design with investigation and analysis of research, research methods such as literature and theory, comprehensive urban planning, landscape ecology, landscape planning and design of multiple disciplines, such as the theoretical base of systematic analysis of the status quo, combined with the existing environment and jin hui town overall planning with specific planning and design, through the landscape planning and design, to create unique city parks, for the town of jin hui residents to create a set sightseeing, quiet rest, cultural entertainment and sports activities of community park.

    Key words: jin hui town; Darling lane; City park; Planning and design;


    1 引言  4

    1.1设计依据        4

    2 背景资料与理论基础 4

    2.1 背景资料        4

    2.2 理论基础        5

    3 基地现状           4

    3.1区位概况        5

    3.2基地调研        6

    4 设计理念与目的     6

    4.1设计理念        7

    5 设计手法与表现     7

    5.1设计内容        8

    5.1.1总图部分    8

      5.1.2植物设计    8

        5.1.3建筑设计    8

    5.2设计方法        9

    6 结束语            10




    1.1 设计依据

    《公园设计规范》CJJ  48—92《中华人民共和国城市规划法》

    《城市绿地设计规范》GB 50420—2007



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