
    摘要:从古至今,人类从进化至今,从用手到如今的筷子、刀、叉 ,餐盘等等,餐具已经使我们生活中不可缺失的一部分。现代的饮食文化受全球化的影响,相互融合与互动。中华文化,博大精深。深厚的文化底蕴,就像一块巨大的基石,亘古不变。中国的婚庆有许多特点,例如剪纸,囍字等,无一例外都是红色,传统的,亘古不变的。然而经济全球化的要求却是随时都要变化,在变化中求得发展,无论是餐具的形态,生产工艺还是设计理念都要随着时代的要求不断的改进。人们的思想也跟着时代在前进。因此在全球化经济趋势的影响下,我们应该懂得变的道理。但最重要的是以不变应万变。变化的是思维,理念,表达方式;不变的是文化底蕴,民族特色。61743



    JiaHe wedding tableware series packaging design

    —Through the actual operation of the best combination of wedding tableware packaging series

    Abstract:From ancient times to the present, from the human evolution so far, from his hand to today's chopsticks and knife and fork, dishes, and so on, tableware has made, not missing a part of our life. Modern food culture is influenced by globalization, mutual integration and interaction. Chinese culture, broad and profound. The profound cultural heritage, like a huge stone, everlasting. Chinese wedding has many characteristics, such as paper cutting, wedding and so on, are all red, traditional, everlasting. However, the requirements of economic globalization is at any time to change, to seek development in the change, whether it is the form of tableware, production technology or design concept should continue to improve with the requirements of the times. People's thinking is also advancing with the times. So under the influence of the trend of globalization, we should know how to change. But the most important thing is to change the status quo. Change is the way of thinking, concept, expression, the same is the cultural heritage, national characteristics.

        I have to do is in the traditional wedding tableware design and creative, to avoid the dullness of the traditional design, the color using the dark red, combines the traditional Chinese paper cutting design, using drawing techniques to complete the graphics performance, using the sulfuric acid paper semi permeable packaging design, exhibit a looming, "still holds partly cover face" feeling. Let the whole package show the traditional and modern feeling.

    Key words:Wedding tableware / Series package / Innovation


    一. 摘要-2

    1. 引言--=--3

    二. 定位4

    1. 一.1市场调研研究5

    2. 一.2品牌与包装-6

    3. 一.3产品定位--7

    4. 一.4目标人群定位-7

    三. 设计展开7

    1. 二.1 LOGO设计10

    2. 二.2图形设计--10

    3. 二.3包装结构设计--13

    4. 二.4周边设计13


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