
    摘要: 本课题旨在运用iebook电子杂志软件设计一个页面精美、观赏性强的旅游产品网上广告。作品主要分为两大模块:日本著名景点城市欣赏、日本特色介绍:其中包括樱花、动漫、美食、伴手礼等内容。每一个版面都有不同的动画效果和多样化的内容,呈献给读者不同的的视觉享受。杂志的每一页可以通过鼠标拖移页角实现翻页,翻页效果犹如现实中翻看杂志一般。打开杂志,伴随着开场动画,阅览者将感受日本文化的特色,如同身临其境一般。杂志不同版面的特效和伴随全程的动感音乐也更好的将阅览者带入到日本旅游观光的感受中。视觉和听觉的双重享受以及蕴含美观大方的界面、浓厚日本风土人情的设计,引人入胜,让阅览者心往神驰。61903

    毕业论文关键词: 旅游产品;网上广告;广告设计

     Online Advertising Design of Tourism Products

    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to use iebook,an electronic magazine software, to design a web page with exquisite and highly ornamental tourism products. Works are pided into two main modules: the Japanese famous scenic city appreciation, the Japanese characteristics: including cherry blossoms, animation, food, the courtesy and other aspects. Each page has a different animation effects and a variety of content, presented to the readers of different visual enjoyment. Each page of the magazine could be flipped over by clicking and dragging mouse with the flipping effect just like reading real magazines. The opening animation of the magazine could creative an immersive experience of Japanese culture.The special effects of perse layout of the magazine and the dynamic background music could provide a lively and immersive guidance about the Japan Travel.The visual and aural enjoyment,the elegant interface,and the profound historical culture and folk customs are demonstrated in this design,which make people feel that a journey to Japan is fascinating and attractive.      

    Keywords: Tourism products;Online advertising;Advertising design


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1

    1.3 发展趋势和未来的市场占有 2

    1.4 电子杂志的优点 2

    1.5 课题的调研情况 3

    1.6 文献综述 4

    2 分析 5

    2.1 课题的构思 5

    2.2 IEBOOK的使用 6

    2.3 FLASH的使用 9

    2.4 课题的前期准备 9

    2.4.1 软件操作学习 10

        2.4.2 素材的采集

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