



    On the central square of the old city transformation

    Abstract:With the development of the international city of Shanghai, Shanghai suburban urbanization accelerating. The design chosen land was once at the center of the intersection, economic, cultural, political, Fengxian District Nanqiao's. And after the transfer of the rapid development of the city's business district, the relocation of the political center. The former "central square" is used more gradually deviated from the original intention of the design, many abandoned facility becomes tasteless.

    This design uses Fengxian Dear Sage main central idea, I hope everyone has a respected sage of the heart.The design of the survey and the land made certain changes to the original business circle flow plots southeast is no longer flourishing; once the thriving center Dry fountain had fallen into disrepair; reduce the central square of activities should also be busy with more than ; surrounding communities of aging become apparent. Therefore, the design of the original central square area is reduced, will be open zoning activities. Let the different needs of residents can be more satisfied.

    KeyWords:Old Town Square; aging community;landscape

    目  录

    1  选用地块的城市背景与概况 3


    1.2所选用地块分析: 3

        1.2.1地块周边概述: - 3 -

    1.2.2地块现状 - 3 -

    1.2.3地块问题分析: - 3 -

    国内外旧城市中心改造案例 - 4 -

    2.1美国堪萨斯皇冠中心广场改造设计: - 4 -

    2.2河北省三河市文化中心广场景观改造: - 4 -

    3  “贤心”广场设计分析 - 5 -

    3.1设计灵感及出发点: - 5 -

    3.2道路流线分析: - 5 -

    3.3区块设计划分: - 5 -

    3.3.1动静转换: - 5 -

    3.3.2区块设计介绍: - 6 -

        4  总结展望 - 6 -

    参考文献 - 6 -    

    1  选用地块的城市背景与概况



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