
    摘 要:随着人口老龄化的不断加剧,人们对养老院的要求日益增多,我国现有的养老院室内居住空间设计存在着许多问题,比如设备简陋、空间布局不合理、卧室空间狭小,养老院室内居住空间的设计不仅仅是解决功能分布跟动态流线的问题更重要的是结合现代医疗、康复、护理,创造一个疗养相结合的舒适的人性化的室内居住环境。62592


    毕业论文关键词:   功能分布   动态流线   采光通风   软装设计  人文关怀

    Abstract:With the aging of the population increasing, people demand for nursing homes are increasing, our country existing nursing home interior living space design there are many problems, such as the simple and crude equipment, the space layout is unreasonable, the bedroom space is narrow, the nursing home interior living space design is not only solve the problem of function distribution and dynamic flow is more important is combined with modern medical care, rehabilitation, nursing, to create a treatment with the combination of comfortable humanized indoor living environment.

      With the development of the society, the design idea of the nursing home is also in constant updates. Now to the needs of the elderly as a starting point, create humanized, barrier-free interior environment, meet the old psychological, physiological and social needs, the nursing home interior space planning and design includes room space atmosphere of the build method, the reasonable integration of space within each functional partition, which also should fully consider the colors in interior space, daylighting is ventilated, soft outfit design factors that affect the elderly. Efforts will be "physical environment" and "humanistic care".

    Key words:Function distribution  Dynamic flow  lighting and ventilation

    Soft outfit design  Humanistic care

    1 绪论4

    2 设计概述4


    2.2 设计主要内容 5

    3 软装饰设计5



    4 软装饰在本案中的运用 7





    5 整套方案完成初稿11

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    1 绪论



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