
    摘 要:旅馆,是指为旅客提供住宿、饮食服务以至娱乐活动的公共建筑。从19世纪起,有些国家旅馆的设备已相当完善。第二次世界大战后,由于交通日益发达,国际间交往日渐频繁,旅游事业的迅速发展,世界各地兴建的旅馆越来越多。一些跨国集团拥有的大型旅馆,已遍布世界各大城市和旅游胜地。62893


    本方案旅馆的设计在原有空间格局的基础上对室内空间进行合理的改造规划,使其动线流畅、功能明确。 通过对室内造型、材质、色彩、灯光等的设计将内部各个空间打造为风格统一、舒适且有格调的高品质空间。为顾客营造一个安全舒适健康温馨的休息环境,从而满足客人对环境和服务的需求。

    毕业论文关键词:温暖 温馨 小资情调 旅馆

    Abstract:A hotel is a public building which provides accommodation, catering services, and recreational activities.. From nineteenth Century, some of the national hotel equipment has been quite perfect. After the Second World War, because of the increasingly developed transport, international exchanges between the increasingly frequent, the rapid development of tourism, hotels around the world more and more. A large hotel, which has been owned by multinational groups, has been spread all over the world's major cities and resorts.

    The hotel design of the case has the combination of rest space and leisure space.. It is the basic requirement for this design that the use of reasonable layout and the spirit of customer meet the requirement of this design.. And has a unique theme style is the soul of this case design. The program design is the use of the design elements of the petty bourgeoisie, warm, warm and comfortable is the case design of the basic principles and the fundamental purpose.

    The hotel program design on the basis of the pattern of the original space of indoor space of reasonable transformation plan, the smooth circulation, clear function.Through the interior design, material, color, lighting and other design will be within each space to create a unified, comfortable and stylish high-quality space. To create a safe and comfortable environment for customers to meet the needs of the guests to the environment and services.

    Keywords: warm exotic Hotel

    1  背景介绍 4

    2  设计的目的和意义 4

    3  设计思路 5

    4  空间规划 5

    4.1  材质、装饰的运用 7

    4.2  色彩搭配 7

    4.3  灯饰运用 8

    4.4  设计元素 8

    5  设计中的创新与不足 8

    5.1  创新 8

    5.2  不足 8

    结 语 9

    参考文献 10

    致 谢 11

    整套作品展示 12




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