

    毕业论文关键词  室内设计 空间布局  舒适  以人为本  自由呼吸

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title     Make Inner Space  Breath  Interior Space Design of Longjin  New Land                                                 

    Abstract Nowadays , people's life rhythm is becoming faster and faster while urban developing rapidly. People who live under high pressure environment for a long time, expect the housing space to be a ultimate spiritual ballast and something which can support the peace of mind, after the fatigue of intense work and engagement in various social activities. Obviously, the interior design plays a important role in people’s life. Inner space can not only provide a space for people to avoid being hurt by the bad weather, but also satisfy the demand of people’ living, study, work and entertainment. Therefor, how to complete a comfortable space layout design on the basis of considering the function of spatial properties and combining the requirements of the people,become a question that the contemporary designer must to consider. In this article, I will research the interactive relationship from the house space and interior space planning in the base of human-centered principle. I expect to make people joyful and space can breath freely after the space planning design.

    Keywords  Inner Space,space planning,satisfaction,human-centered principle,free-breath

    1  引言 1

    2  课题研究概述 1

    2.1  课题选择的背景1

    2.2  课题研究的重点2

    3  项目概况2

    3.1  项目分析2

    3.2  风格定位3

    3.3  设计理念3

    3.4  元素提炼衍生4

    3.4.1  代表自然的元素4

    3.4.2  天然呈现的色彩4

    3.4.3  直接自然的纹理5

    4  空间的分析与定位5

    4.1  空间功能属性分析5

    4.2  人机工程学6

    4.3  环境心理学8

    5  空间自由呼吸的体现与表达9

    5.1  空间自由呼吸概念的界定9

    5.2  影响空间呼吸的因素10

    5.3  空间因素的体现与表达10

    5.3.1  通透明亮——通风采光通畅10

    5.3.2  流线自由——空间布局合理12

    5.3.3  材料天然——材料直接表达14

    5.3.4  绿意盎然——空间绿化呼吸15

    6  对空间设计研究应用的思考17




     1  引言




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