


    Abstract :this subject is designed as the theme of decorative painting, composed of six pictures. The graduation creation "from the movie snow romance".Because a poster of ice and snow queen, I was impressed by the combination of the picture and the Chinese and western, and then the idea of painting the film theme with decorative painting. My design subject picture to the snow queen hold up the crystal ball that shape the image creation, considering the characters with more concrete realistic manner, and wore a dress and background is used deconstruction and reorganization techniques, give full play to the characteristics of decorative pattern, to fill the performance. I choose to propylene pigment drawing, to decoration, supplemented by modified, using the technique of contrast, such as a person's upper body detailed designs and arm hollow out pattern contrast, breast folds of the yarn and the overall skirt cover yarn, make the picture look to prioritize, density as. The details of the various patterns are eventually gathered in the main characters. At the same time, I hope to show the queen a strong, confident spirit temperament, but also to take this incentive to go to the community and my partners, brave, strong face of the future.

    Keywords: frozen, decoration, color, deconstruction and reorganization

    目  录

    1 前言 6

    2 条件分析 6

    3 设计目的和意义 6

    4 《冰雪奇缘》设计方案概述 7

    4.1 设计思路 7

    4.2 设计方法 7

    4.3 设计内容 7

    5 设计的创新与不足 9

    结  论 10

    作品完成稿 11

    参考文献 12

    致  谢 13

    1  前言


    2  条件分析

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