


    Abstract:All the products are to be packed, and the packaging is also more important in people's life.. Now consumer goods more and more into people's life, in the rich and convenient people's life, but also produced a lot of packaging waste. Expanding the function of food packaging, reducing the packaging of environmental pollution of the packaging has become the new century food packaging development trend. Huaian Hou old duck sauce halogen products "series of packaging design, the use of innovative packaging elements and traditional culture design concept, combining the old traditional ideas of packing and modern special material technology, the greatest significance is to let the traditional culture to inherit and use of packaging materials to reflect the environmental protection, can more perfect embodiment of cultural characteristic of" Hou old duck sauce halogen products ". In the face of different consumer groups, there are different preferences, in the product packaging design should make a different design scheme.

    Keywords: packaging design,green environmental protection, traditional culture 

    目   录

    1. 前言 3

    2. “淮安老侯野鸭酱卤制品”系列包装设计的背景分析 3

    3. “淮安老侯野鸭酱卤制品”系列包装设计的创意来源 4

    4. “淮安老侯野鸭酱卤制品”系列包装设计的市场调研 4

    4.1休闲食品消费者调查 4

    4.2消费者购物需求的心理特征 4

    4.3包装材料调查 5

    5.“淮安老侯野鸭酱卤制品”系列包装设计的结构设计 5

    5.1竹包装 5

    5.2牛皮纸包装 5

    5.3真空包装 6

    6.“淮安老侯野鸭酱卤制品”系列包装设计的设计内容 6

    6.1标志设计 6

    6.2包装设计 6

    6.3标签设计 10

    6.4海报设计 10

    6.5产品手册设计 10

    7.“淮安老侯野鸭酱卤制品”系列包装设计的创新与不足 11

    7.1创新设计 11

    7.2设计不足 11

    结 语 12

    作品完成稿 13


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