
    摘 要:本次方案定位为现代简约风格,自然简洁、舒适实用、开敞通透是这次设计的基本特点,也是设计理念。此户型为两室一厅,实用面积只有90多平方米,所以在空间设计上有一些难度。通过采用现代简约风格可以更好的变现此空间的完整性,让整个室内的呼吸空间更加宽敞。在设计中,运用简洁的造型让狭小的空间变得具有大空间的感觉,使之透光性增强;在施工工艺上,强调舒适和谐;在色彩搭配上,舍弃繁复的装饰,通过颜色明亮给人以大气、整洁、宁静的感觉。通过错落有致的绿植摆放使整个空间充满活力。本次设计的方案强调简约的用色和装饰,以自然为本,以空间呼吸为主题,使现代简约风格得到了更好的诠释。人处其中,能够获得身心解放、恣意呼吸、不被环境包围的释然。67547


    Abstract:The design for the modern minimalist style, simple and natural, comfortable and practical, open and transparent is the basic characteristics of the design, also is the design philosophy of. This is the two bedroom apartment layout, the practical area of only 90 square meters, so there are some difficulties in the design space. Through the use of modern minimalist style can be better realized the integrity of the space, so that the indoor breathing space more spacious. In the design, using simple shape make narrow space has become a large space feeling, enhance the transparency; in the construction process, emphasizing the harmonious and comfortable; in color matching, abandon the intricate decoration, the color bright to atmosphere, clean and quiet sense perception. The well-proportioned plants placed the whole space full of vitality. The design scheme emphasize the simplicity of using color and decoration, to the nature, breathing in space as the theme, the modern minimalist style has been a better interpretation of. The person, can get free, breathing, the environment is not surrounded by you.

    Key words:modern minimalist style ,natural ,breathing, space, decoration

    目 录

    1  前言 3

    2  设计背景介绍 3

    2.1  现场考察分析 3

    2.2  设计背景分析 4

    3  设计目标及意义 4

    3.1  设计目标 4

    3.2  设计意义 4

    4  方案概述 5

    4.1  设计风格 5

    4.2  设计构思 5

    4.3  设计方法 7

    5  设计内容分析 7

    5.1  原始结构图和改造图 7

    5.2  平面布置图 7

    5.3  客餐厅效果图 8

    5.4  主卧效果图 9

    5.5  次卧效果图 9

    5.6  厨房效果图 9

    6  方案创新与不足 10

    6.1  方案的创新 10

    6.2  方案的不足 10

    结 语 11

    参考文献 12

    致 谢 13


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