    Studies on nitrilase immobilized by magnetic material
    Abstract: Nitrilase can catalyzes the hydrolysis of nitrile to the corresponding carboxylic acid with high selectivity under mild conditions. These kind of reactions fit for the requirement of  green chemistry and have a wide range of industrial applications.
       The immobilization of enzyme by magnetic materials not only helps to improve the stability (operation stability and convenience, storage stability, heat stability) of enzyme, but also facilitate the product’s separation from the reaction mixture in a continuous process. This paper studies the nitrilase immobilization by magnetic material. Firstly, we investigated the effects of imidazole concentration and disruption time on the disruption of E. coli whole cells. The optimum disruption time is 30 min and the optimum concentration of imidazole is 15 mM. Then, the effect of immobilization time and the magnetic bead dosage on nitrilase activity was studied. The optimum immobilization time is 3 h, and the optimum the magnetic bead dosage is 5 mL. It was found that the optimal pH value of the immobilized enzyme is 8, which is the same as the free enzyme.
    Key Words:Nitrilase; magnetic material; immobilization
     目  录
    1 研究背景    1
    1.1 腈水解酶的介绍    1
    1.2 影响酶分子催化的重要因素    2
    1.2.1 诱导剂    2
    1.2.2 金属离子    3
    1.2.3 温度和pH的影响    3
    1.2.4反应介质的影响    3
    1.3 腈水解酶的破碎与提纯    4
    1.4 固定化酶的研究意义    5
    1.5 酶的固定方法研究    5
    1.6 研究意义与内容    7
    1.6.1研究意义    7
    1.6.2研究内容    7
    2 实验原理和流程    8
    3 实验方法与材料    9
    3.1 实验材料    9
    3.1.1 菌种    9
    3.1.2 培养基    9
    3.1.3 自配试剂    9
    3.1.4 主要试剂    10
    3.1.5 主要仪器    11
    3.2 实验方法    11
    3.2.1 分析方法    11
    3.2.2 菌体培养    12
    3.2.3 测定游离细胞的酶活    12
    3.2.5缓冲液中咪唑浓度的优化    13
    3.2.6 固定化中磁珠量的优化    13
    3.2.7固定化时间的优化    14
    3.2.8 固定化酶最适pH的研究    14
    4 实验结果和讨论    15
    4.1 大肠杆菌破碎时间的优化    15
    4.2 缓冲液中咪唑浓度的优化    18
    4.3 固定化中磁珠量的优化    19
    4.4 固定化时间的优化    21
    4.5 固定化酶最适pH值的研究    22
    5 总结与展望    23
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