    毕业论文关键词  二氧化硅  MCM-41  炔基  药物载体
    Title   Surface Modification of Mesoporous Silica by Alkynyl                                           
    Combination drug therapy has become one of the dominant strategies in the clinical treatment of HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and cancer. The designation of an on-command dual-cargo release system is a hot research topic, which can realize the sustained release of two kinds of drugs. Construction of silica-cyclodextrin system meets the demand. Fabrication of alkynyl modified silica is one of the crucial issues to have cyclodextrin attached. Here, three types of alkynyl modified silica is fabricated to give the foundation of the construction of silica-cyclodextrin dual-cargo release system. The main contents are as follows: 1, Preparation of alkynyl modified silane coupling agents with different chain length in variety methods or conditions; 2, Preparation of alkynyl modified silica by high temperature synthesis; 3, Construction of silica-cyclodextrin release system. The results indicate that the drug loading rate of the system reaches 9.13% (w/w), and the release rate 6.94% (w/w), which illuminating the successful modification of silica by alkynyl.
    Keywords  silica  MCM-41  alkynyl  drug delivery
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  载药体系    1
    1.2  二氧化硅的炔基修饰    3
    1.3  课题研究背景、研究思路、主要研究内容    4
    2  硅烷偶联剂的炔基修饰    7
    2.1  化学试剂与实验仪器    7
    2.2  制备炔基化的硅烷偶联剂    9
    2.3  结果与讨论    11
    2.4  本章小结    16
    3  介孔二氧化硅的炔基化及二氧化硅-环糊精体系的制备    17
    3.1  化学试剂与实验仪器    17
    3.2  制备炔基修饰的MCM-41    18
    3.3  制备介孔二氧化硅-环糊精载药体系    19
    3.4  结果与讨论    20
    3.5  本章小结    25
    4  载药体系药物释放性能的研究    27
    4.1  化学试剂与实验仪器    27
    4.2  药物装载    28
    4.3  药物释放性能研究    28
    4.4  本章小结    33
    5  展望    34
    结  论    35
    致  谢    36
    缩略词    英文名    中文名
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