
    摘要犬螨虫病是因蠕形螨、疥螨、耳痒螨等寄生虫寄生在皮肤而引起的一种外寄 生虫疾病,俗称“癞皮狗病”,是犬最常见的疾病之一。为了了解徐州地区宠物 犬螨虫病的发生与治疗情况,本研究对徐州市爱慕宠物医院的的病犬进行螨虫病 流行病学调查、临床检查、显微镜检查和治疗。结果发现,在对该地区的 289 例病例调查中,犬螨病的患病率竟然达到 30%,且发现该地区宠物犬患犬疥螨病 的居多,其次是犬耳螨病。此病临床表现为患部出现红肿,红色的小斑点,瘙痒, 使犬不断用爪子抓挠患处,造成脱毛,严重的患处还会出现溃疡等症状。其发生 与季节、性别、年龄和生活环境及营养状况等都有关系。本研究调查并探讨了徐 州地区犬螨虫病的流行病学、诊断及防治方法,这将给本地区犬螨虫病的防治工 作提供参考,具有一定的应用价值。

    该论文有图 3 幅,表 2 个,参考文献 11 篇。69064

    毕业论文关键词:犬 螨虫病 诊断 防治

    Diagnosis and treatment of mites echinococcosis in pet dogs


    Dog mites echinococcosis is a facial parasite disease caused by demodex, scabies mites, ear itch mites and other parasites parasites in the skin, commonly known as mangy dog disease, and it is one of the most common diseases in dogs. In order to understand the occurrence and treatment of pet dog mites echinococcosis in Xuzhou, we made the epidemiological investigation, clinical examination, microscopic examination and treatment at Xuzhou pet hospital. Resuts showed that the prevalence of canine mite disease had reached 30% in 289 cases in the survey. The number of pet dogs suffering from canine scabies is the most in this area, followed by dog ear mites. The clinical manifestations of the disease were small red spots and itching, and so the dog constantly scratched the affected area with claws, resulting in hair removal and ulcers. The outbreak is related with season, gender, age, living environment and nutritional status. This study investigated and discussed the dog mites echinococcosis epidemiology, diagnosis and control methods in Xuzhou. It will provide the reference to the prevention and treatment of dog mites echinococcosis, which has a high application value.

    Key Words: Dog Mites echinococcosis Diagnosis Prevention


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 绪论 1

    2 材料与方法 1

    2.1 实验材料 2

    2.2 诊断方法 2

    3 结果与分析 2

    3.1 犬螨虫病的发病情况 2

    3.2 临床表现 3

    3.3 显微镜检查诊断结果 4

    3.4 治疗方案 5

    4 讨论 6

    4.1 治疗效果 6

    4.2 犬螨虫病的预防 7

    4.3 注意事项 7

    参考文献 8


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