

    毕业论文关键词  220kV变电站  电气主接线  短路计算  电气设备选择


    Title         Design of the 220 kV step-down substation        

    Abstract Development of power industry is the collaboration to promote all aspects of the national economy's strong momentum, and its modernization indicators reflect a country's comprehensive national strength important symbol. There are two core aspects of the power industry, power generation side is the power plants, transmission and distribution side is the substation, substation is a collection of electrical energy, transform voltage levels and distribution of electric energy sites, power plants and load side is linked bond, usually is pided into two kinds of boost and buck. This article is for the XX local conditions, combined with the 220kV substation design specifications and processes buck, buck 220kV substation for XX region conducted a preliminary design of the electrical. The main contents of this design involves the following aspects: the main transformer substation number of units and capacity choices; main electrical wiring design, and CAD drawing software to draw Substation 220kV main electrical wiring diagram and side high voltage electrical installations plan; right the entire system for the necessary short-circuit current calculation; calculated based on the results of short-circuit selection and verification required electrical equipment; busbar system design and verification; carry protection, lightning protection, electrical substation preliminary planning and design.

    Keywords  220kV Substation   Main Electrical Connection Scheme Short Circuit Calculation  Electrical equipment Selection

     目   录

    1  绪论 1

    2  设计任务 2

    2.1  原始资料 2

    2.2  设计任务 3

    3  主变压器的选择 3

    3.1  主变压器的选择原则 3

    3.2  变压器台数选择 4

    3.3  主变容量计算和选择 4

    4  电气主接线设计 6

    4.1  电气主接线的设计原则和基本要求 6

    4.2  主接线的方式选择 6

    5 变电所短路电流计算 10

    5.1  短路计算的假设及步骤 10

    5.2  短路电流计算 11

    6 导体和电气设备选择与校验

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