

    毕业论文关键词:半桥变换器  PWM控制 软开关  saber仿真


    Title  Design of a 360W DC-DC Vehicle-borne Power Supply


    In the medium or small power applications,  because of the simple circuit structure, less power devices, small voltage stress on the power tube, etc, Half-bridge DC-DC converter has been more widely used. Based on the analysis of the circuit structure and the working principle of the half-bridge inverter, this paper designed a Vehicle DC Switching Power with the rated power of 360w,witch can convert the 310V voltage to 48V . The power supply to the half-bridge switching converter as the main body, SG3525A chip as the control center, and the use of closed-loop control methods, to ensure the system's power performance.This paper describes the high-frequency transformer, PWM control and the method to design driving circuit.Based on completing the design of basic half-bridge converter ,the working principle of soft-switching half-bridge converter has been analyzed . The  functions of the two kinds of half-bridge converter have been verified by SABER simulation software.

    Keywords: Half-bridge converter   PWM control   soft-switching   SABER simulation software


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 四种基本电力变换电路 1

    1.2 直流变换器类型 1

    1.3 直流变换器的现状和发展趋势 3

    1.4 本文研究的任务和主要内容 3

    2 基于基本半桥DC-DC变换器的车载电源 4

    2.1 基本半桥直流变换器的工作原理 4

    2.2主电路参数设计 5

    2.3 控制电路设计 8

    2.4 驱动电路设计 11

    2.5 设计结果仿真 14

    2.6 本章小结 17

    3 基于软开关半桥DC-DC变换器的车载电源 18

    3.1 软开关技术的研究 18

    3.2 软开关半桥DC-DC变换器的工作原理 19

    3.3 实现软开关的条件 27

    3.4 主电路参数设计 28

    3.5 控制电路的设计 31

    3.6 驱动电路的设计 33

    3.7 设计结果仿真 34

    3.8 本章小结 36

    结论 38

    致谢 39

    参考文献 40

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