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时间:2019-01-12 17:00来源:毕业论文
[29] Shujiro Urata, Kozo Kiyota. The Impacts of an East Asia FTA on Foreign Trade in East Asia [R]. National Bureau of Economic Research. 2003, (14): 229-246. [30] Sampson G and Snape R. Identifying t

[29] Shujiro Urata, Kozo Kiyota. The Impacts of an East Asia FTA on Foreign Trade in East Asia [R]. National Bureau of Economic Research. 2003, (14): 229-246.
[30] Sampson G and Snape R. Identifying the Issues in Trade in Services [J]. The World Economy.1985, (8): 171-182. 服务贸易结构优化文献综述和参考文献(3):http://www.751com.cn/wenxian/lunwen_29311.html