The romance of the Three kingdoms in the history of literature status
Abstract:"Three Kingdoms" is a novel written by the novelist named Luo Guanzhong being lived in China by the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty. Under this understanding,I’m form characters and culture, art and value evaluation of "Three Kingdoms", discussed the historical status in the literary history in China of the "Three Kingdoms", from a perspective of an undergraduate.In this paper, the author gave out the outlines the "Three Kingdoms" literature background; analyzes "Three Kingdoms" of creation; the "Three Kingdoms" in the character description are introduced in detail; the fourth chapter from the artistic characteristics and cultural interpretation on the analysis of the characteristics of its culture. Finally we discussed the historical position of "Three Kingdoms" in the history of Chinese literature.
Keywords:"Three Kingdoms"; Scholars cultural mentality; Artistic characteristics;
Cultural Interpretation 前言
目 录
摘要: 1
Abstract: 1
前言 1
一、《三国演义》创作手法辨析 2
(一)严肃的现实主义 2
(二)故事的浪漫主义 3
二、《三国演义》书中的人物类描写 3
(一)“说客”形象 4
(二)“谋士”与士人文化心态 5
三、《三国演义》的艺术特色与文化阐释 6
(一)文学上的艺术特色 6
(二)《三国》中的多重价值体系特征 7
结语 8
参考文献 8
致 谢 9
罗贯中《三国演义》的创作手法主要突出体现在严肃的现实主义和浪漫主义相结合。总体上,整书主题和故事情节符合史实,典型人物性格和生平发展也与《三国志》等史书相近。局部却有着戏剧化的发展,如草船借箭和借东风等故事,又采用了浪漫主义的手法。 《三国演义》在文学史上地位:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_17876.html