Discussion the lending activities of Tang Dynasty Buddhist temple
Abstract: After the introduction of Buddhism into China from Han Dynasty, the Buddhism experienced much fermentation and development in the period of The Three Kingdoms, Tow Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasty, and then developed into a period of great prosperity in Tang Dynasty, which penetrated into every field of social life, producing a profound influence. With the increase in the capital accumulation of the Buddhist temple, business management became more and more prosperous, as well as the Buddhist temple, monastic lending industry. The Buddhist temple, monastic lending activity in Tang Dynasty has various types, which have some characteristics of religion, flexibility, deceiving and normalization, and so on. Discussion the lending activities of Tang Dynasty Buddhist temple studies the temple, monastic lending activity of Tang Dynasty in these aspects, such as the reasons of the Buddhist temple, monastic lending industry developing and thriving, the types of lending and borrowing business ,and the characteristics of Buddhist temple, monastic lending activity, etc.
Keywords: Tang Dynasty; Buddhist temples; monastic; lending
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、唐代佛教寺院借贷业发展兴盛的原因 2
二、唐代佛教寺院借贷业的类型 4
三、唐代佛教寺院借贷业的特点 6
参考文献 10
唐代佛教寺院经济,主要以自给自足的庄园经济为主,但并不排斥寺院、僧尼对于借贷业的经营。寺院、僧尼的放贷活动在佛教传入后不久就见于记载,唐代寺院、僧尼的高利贷经营作为寺院经济的组成部分,在寺院经济中占有重要的地位。诚然 ,寺院、僧尼的放贷活动本质上与世俗社会的商业、高利贷无异 ,都是唯利是图。然而 ,二者之间在许多方面又显然存在差别。因此,对寺院、僧尼借贷业的原因、类型、特点的探讨,是寺院经济研究的重要课题。故本文拟就唐代佛教寺院、僧尼的放贷活动兴盛的原因、借贷业的类型及特点对其进行探讨。
一、 唐代佛教寺院借贷业发展兴盛的原因
首先,佛教寺院借贷业的发展兴盛与唐代对佛教的推崇政策是分不开的。中国佛教至唐代发展到鼎盛时期,佛教寺院不仅拥有大量的土地和劳动力,还享有免税权,免徭役、兵役等特权,再加上帝王对寺院的赏赐以及王公贵族们的施舍,寺院经济发展得非常快。武周之世,武则天为了建礼佛堂而大费劳力和资金,“初,明堂既成,太后命僧薛怀义作夹纻大像,其小指中犹容数十人,于明堂北构天堂以贮之。堂始构,为风所摧,更构之,日役万人,采木江岭,数年之间,所费以万亿计,府藏为之耗竭。” 由此可见,武则天为了弘扬佛教,向寺庙投入了大量资金。 在唐代,得益于帝王和大臣们的崇佛政策,寺院经济获得了大力保护与支持,许多寺院也都有自己庞大的经济实力。这些都为寺院借贷业的发展提供了一个良好的政策条件。 论唐代佛教寺院僧尼的放贷活动:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_2702.html