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时间:2020-09-03 19:59来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Grain transportation as an important economic lifeline of feudal dynasties, particularly in the Ming and qing dynasties reached a new stage. Huaian is in the midsection of the grand canal, huanghuai intersection, in the north and south, the position is quite important grain transportation. Hence great importance have been attached to the Ming and qing dynasties government governance of huaian section of canals and grain transportation management, for the governance of the canal, mainly reflected in its management and maintenance; Canal management embodied in grain transportation system, headed by governor grain transportation by canal repair is mainly reflected in the river of the governor on the first channel system. The seemingly two different systems, are actually serve the grain transportation, to some extent, the two together. The Angle this article will focus on the huaian city, combine the unique geographical position of huaian will be during the Ming and qing dynasties and the grain transportation channel management system and huaian situation at that time, can fully display the Ming and qing dynasties of huaian prosperity and grain transportation management system of the river.

Keyword: Huai’an ,Grain transportation ,Canals management


一、淮安与漕运的关系 3

二、 明清时期淮安段运河的利用与维护 7

(一)明清时期淮安段运河概况 7

(二)明清时期漕运制度的建立 8

(三)明清时期河道制度的完善 11

三、淮安段运河管理的作用 14

(一)维系了封建国家的稳定 14

(二)影响漕运行政能力 15

 (三) 对淮安的影响 16

结  论 17

参考文献 19

致谢 20

 淮安是一座著名的历史文化古城,地处淮河与大运河的交汇处,是古老的贡道转轴,历代南漕北运的重要枢纽。最近的考古探查表明,淮安故城是春秋时期的故城,也就是说淮安城自春秋时开始修筑存在。在历经了秦、汉、魏、晋、南北朝,在隋朝的大运河实现贯通后,进入了它的第一次的繁荣期。宋、金时期,整个中华民族都处于动荡对峙时期,运河沿线的淮安也一度残破。值得注意的是,即使是此时处于纷扰中的淮安不若隋唐时期的繁盛,由于宋朝经济的发达,淮安在宋朝还是有了长足的发展的。元朝统一后淮安进入了第二次的繁荣期;元末明初又经历战争的摧残,明清时期黄河全流夺淮,淮安变成处于黄、淮、运的交汇口,地位更加重要,在明清时期漕运总督、河道总督、淮北盐运分司的驻节和淮安榷关的设立,使淮安成为全国的漕运指挥中心、黄淮运河河道治理中心、漕船制造中心、漕粮转输中心和淮北盐集散中心。淮安城市因为漕运的关系出现了第三次繁荣,进入最鼎盛的时期,并最终确定了“运河之都”的历史地位。 明清淮安段运河漕运及河道管理述略:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_59913.html
