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时间:2019-02-19 20:32来源:毕业论文

关键词   γ谱仪  放射性核素  探测器 识别
Title The research of radioactive nuclide identification
Due to the frequent international terrorist incidents in recent years, especially since the “9.11” incident, all countries in the world recognize clearly the terrorist activities of preventing and cracking down on the necessity and difficulty. Due to the characteristics of relatively low cost and easy to put on, Nuclear and radiation attack is more and more becoming the main means of implementation of the terrorist attack, so the nuclear terrorism and nuclear emergency has become an important task faced by all mankind.  In the Nuclear early warning surveillance at the scene, the gamma spectrometer is widely used in special nuclear material and high risk source. The detection, alarm and recognition illegal activities of Special nuclear materials and high risk source is the key to prevent and stop nuclear and radiation terrorism. This topic is based on gamma spectra measurement experiment, Analyzing common radioactive nuclide identification. To study the problems existing in the common radioactive nuclide identification, and to analyze and compare the performance of the detectors, and to find out the best monitoring project. It has great significance for us of radioactive nuclide detection and recognition in the nuclear emergency and nuclear terrorism.
Keywords  gamma spectrometer  radioactive nuclide detector identify
目次1    绪论    1
1.1  本课题的目的及意义    1
1.2  国内外研究现状及分析    2
2    放射性核素识别研究实验    8
2.1  实验设计    8
2.1.1  实验原理    8
2.1.2  实验仪器    9
2.1.3  实验放射源    11
3   实验测量    13
3.1  NAI探测器实验    13
3.2  LABR3探测器实验    14
3.3  CDZNTE探测器实验    16
3.4  实验结果    17
3.4.1  单核素放射源识别    18
3.4.3  混合源识别    22
3.3  能量分辨率    23
结  论    25
致  谢    26
参考文献    28

1    绪论
1.1  本课题的目的及意义
2014年5月7日南京某建设公司丢失用于材料探伤的放射源192Ir(铱—192)一枚,虽然三天后源被找回,但仍有工人受到辐射照射伤害。据国际原子能机构数据显示,1993年至2011年,全球官方报告的核及其他放射性材料的遗失、盗窃和非法获取事件超过2164起,平均每年多达120余起。核与辐射恐怖袭击活动的担忧和思考绝不是杞人忧天,针对核或辐射恐怖袭击的应急准备已经迫在眉睫[1]。为此,世界各国应该通力合作,提高对核安全问题的重视,推动该领域的国际合作,有效地防范核恐怖主义,使核材料及核设施的安全得到保证,促进核能和平利用,文护全球地区和平与安全。 放射性核素识别的实验研究:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_30403.html