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时间:2021-05-20 21:26来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  MEMS  静电力  微梁  有限元  小挠度理论  

 毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Electro-statically actuated micro-beam deformation and Simulation                                               


Electro-static force as the typical driving force in the MEMS has been widely used. Because of the characteristics of electro-statically actuated micro-devices related research is still not mature enough to form a complete set of rational design methods, resulting in electro-statically driven MEMS products’ long development cycle, low yield, poor reliability issues. In this paper, electro-static field, elastic mechanics, numerical calculation of the theoretical basis of computer simulation as an auxiliary tool for the study of electrostatic actuation Typical microstructures established and solved electro-statically driven micro-beam the system simulation model.

In the paper we established electro-static cantilever and clamped Beam dynamics equations and finite element models, through analytical methods and numerical solution we obtained micro-beam deformation under static electricity and their characteristics. We explored the elastic force of the microstructure and static electricity generated by the coupling effect of pull. Based on small deflection theory, a method for calculating deformation of electro-statically actuated micro-beam analytical formulas, and analyzed if the small deflection theory is reasonable. 

Keywords   MEMS  electrostatic force  micro-beam  finite element theory small deflection theory  

目  录

1 绪论 1

1.1 微机电系统 1

1.2 微机电系统多场耦合 2

1.3 静电力和静电驱动微器件 3

1.4 静电驱动微结构的研究现状 4

1.5 本文研究的目的和意义 5

1.6 本文的主要工作 5

2 微结构的静电力 6

2.1概述 6

2.2平行板电极间的静电力 7

3 静电驱动微结构的静力分析 9

3.1 概述 9

3.2 基本假设 9

3.3 静电驱动的特性——吸合效应 9

3.4 静电驱动微梁的静力 静电力作用下微梁的变形及仿真:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_75316.html
