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时间:2021-05-27 19:24来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  条码定位,窗函数,频谱误差,频谱修正


Title      Spectral Modification In The Optical    Barcode Image Positioning                     


Optical barcode image positioning(OBIP) is a kind of photoelectric automatic measuring method that is based on barcode recognition and machine vision technology.In OBIP the comparison between object and image that is a very important factor in positioning can be obtain by analysis and calculation,so the characteristic spectra of the barcode need to be extracted accurately.But in the practice the amplitude,the phase and the frequency of the barcode spectrum may have errors because of the window affect of the signal sequence and the spectrum sampling of the fourier transform.In order to obtain accurate spectrum information and positioning distance,we need some method of the spectral modification to revise all kinds of errors of the spectrum.

This article detailedly analyse the spectrum leakage and the spectrum interference phenomenon that is called truncation effect in the process of the obtaining characteristic spectra. We explain how it happened,propose that the window function method is a effective way to resolve the truncation effect.Then we analyse the influence of the signal spectrum by using different kinds of window functions and discuss the respective characteristic and effect of window functions.Further more the article illustrate the fence effect in the fourier transform and how it happened,analyse the errors that are caused by fence effect,and introduce two spectral modification method:zero-padding & oversampling method and phase difference modification method.In addition,the noise signal in the practical engineering is analysed and a method that is call autocorrelation is proposed to modify the noise affection.In the end,this article simulate the former spectral modification method by using Matlab on the computer platform,and prove the rationality and the feasibility of them by comparing with primary signal that was not manipulate.

Keywords  optical barcode image positioning(OBIP),window  function,spectrum errors,spectral modification

                           目   次   光学成像条码定位中的频谱修正:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_75643.html
