The Analysis Of Chinese In Co-production Movie
Abstract:Co-production movie has become an important and new phenomenon in the recently developing of Sino film industry. Especially since the date of December 11, 2001, the day china joined WTO, the globalization of China’s economy and culture got faster. Co-production movie became a hot topic because it is an important way to export China’s culture. In co-production movie, the Chinese should contributive more than one third of the cost, the Chinese actor should paly an important role in the movie , the movie should catch a view in China , The Government Official Policy said . The policy insuring the benefit of Chinese and achieving the goal of cultural exporting . People’s behavior will directly reflect the image of his country . The people’s image we made in the movie will straightly influence the audience’s cognition of China . The Chinese actor’s wearing , actions and the way they talking , all this behaviors will influence the audience’s cognition to the whole Chinese . Only when the Chinese people have the right of speech and know how to model a Chinese image which is good and acceptable by the people live in different culture in a movie , will the China deliver a positive national image successfully.
Key Words: Co-production movie; Chinese image ; Cultural export ; National image
(一)合拍片的定义… 1
(一) 被救赎的华人形象2
(二) 被神秘化的华人形象…4
(三) 被妖魔化的华人形象…6
四、结语 …11致谢…12参考文献…13
在2002年党的第十751大报告中首次提出“文化产业”这样一个概念,阐述了文化事业和文化产业并重发展,继续深化文化体制的改革原则和要求。电影的市场化改革进程也在此之后步入了更大一个大台阶,电影对外开放的脚步加快。在2003年,国家广电总局电影局颁布了《中外合作拍摄电影片管理规定实施细则(暂行)》,在2004年,广电总局又相继出台《中外合作摄制电影片管理规定》。这些规定的出台更进一步的放宽了合拍政策,使得境外的资本和人才可以更多更好地参与到影片的制作当中来,境外先进的创作理念和管理模式也不断地引进我国,极大地缩短了中国电影与西方发达国家电影的差距。[1]经历中国电影产业化这改革的十年,中外合拍片也不断增多,成为了颇为关注的电影现象,合拍片已经成为了中国电影产业里至关重要的结构性力量,成为了中国电影票房贡献的绝对主力军。也成为中国电影“走出去”工程最有效的方式,促进了中国文化的国际传播。 中外合拍片中华人形象分析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_34169.html