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时间:2017-03-05 15:01来源:毕业论文

摘  要:在电视节目竞争日益激烈的今天,娱乐节目的发展趋势并不乐观,同类娱乐节目泛滥,内容雷同,环节设置互相抄袭,呈现同质化现状。娱乐节目的同质化,使观众产生审美疲劳,造成资源浪费,降低节目质量,给节目本身及其竞争环境造成恶劣影响。面对这种现状,我们应该认清当下电视娱乐节目的发展状态,找出造成同质化现状的症结所在,采取措施纠正弊端,并致力寓教于乐,实现节目品质和收视的双赢。本文从节目创新入手,鼓励个性化发展,形成别树一帜的节目特色,为电视娱乐节目的发展营造良好的环境。6327

A Tentative Analysis on the Current Situation of Homogeneity for the Television Entertainment Program in China
——Take Generation Show and I Love China for Example
Abstract: Nowadays the competition among the television programs is increasingly fierce and the development trend of the entertainment programs is not quite optimistic. The similar entertainment programs are ubiquitous, including the similar contents and the copying on link setup, which shows the homogeneity trend. The homogeneity of the entertainment programs makes audiences fatigued, resulting in a waste of resources and the reduction on the quality of the programs, which has adverse effects on the programs and the competitive environment. Faced with this situation, we need to realize the current development state of the television entertainment programs, find out the reason of homogeneity, take measures to eliminate the drawbacks and make efforts to achieve teaching in joy, so as to get the win-win of the program quality and the ratings. This paper begins with the programs innovation and encourages the personalized development to form the unique program features, so as to create a good environment for the development of the television entertainment programs.
Key words: TV entertainment program;homogeneity;features;innovation
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、电视娱乐节目同质化现状概述    2
(一)娱乐节目同质化的表现    2
(二)娱乐节目同质化产生的原因    3
二、我国电视娱乐节目同质化现状存在的弊端    4
(一)审美产生疲软    4
(二)节目缺乏原创    5
(三)内容出现重复    6
三、我国电视娱乐节目面对同质化现状的应对策略    6
(一)精准受众定位    6
(二)丰富文化内涵    7
(三)增加地方特色    8
(四)个性化主持风格    9
(五)深化情感色彩    9
参考文献    11
目前在国内开办的娱乐节目数量很多,基本处于供大于求的状态。然而与数量上的庞大形成鲜明对比的是,让人唏嘘不已的节目质量。各娱乐节目之间形成的相互抄袭、模仿成风的“习惯”,让作为信息接受者的观众们无可奈何。同一类型的节目在各大电视台争相上映,一拥而上,让观众产生审美疲劳。多数娱乐节目看似不同,其实从制作、内容、板块设置都是同一节目题材,这样就形成了所说的“同质化”现状。“电视媒介同质化,是形容电视媒介发展到一定阶段,其功能、外观等出现雷同,媒介产品或服务在功能和作用方面相似和互换,从而导致竞争力下降的情况。具体而言,是指不同媒介产品的风格定位,版面设置,受众市场都大同小异。所谓众报一面、读一报而知全报,听一台而知全台。” 我国电视娱乐节目同质化现状探究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_3806.html