摘 要:脱口秀是20世纪90年代传入中国的一种节目形式,它起源于英国,在美国得以繁荣。如今电视脱口秀节目的表现形式日趋多样化,其节目内容也从最初的政治话题逐渐发展到人们生活的方方面面。本论文在分析脱口秀节目特点的基础上,结合现实情况阐述了其所存在的问题。中国电视脱口秀节目应在找准节目定位之后,进行内容的创新,从而形成独有的节目内涵,同时根据节目需求进行节目主持人的专业性训练,培养出真正有利于脱口秀节目发展的主持人才,促进电视脱口秀制作出高品质的品牌节目,在发展之路上走的更远、更持久。6736
Analysis on the Development Space of TV Talk Show in China
Abstract:Talk show is a form of program, which was introduced into China in 1990s. It originated from the United Kingdom and prospered in the United States. Now, the form of TV talk show is becoming more persified and its content also has gradually developed from the initially political topic to every aspects of people’s life. Based on analyzing the characteristics of the talk shows, its existing problems will be illustrated in this paper in combination with the reality. TV talk show in China should find out its right program positioning and make its content innovative, thus forming a unique program connotation. At the same time, the hosts should receive professional training according to the requirements of program, and some host talents who are truly conducive to the development of talk show should be developed, in order to promote the TV talk show to produce high-quality brand programs, and go further and more durable on the road of development.
Key Words:talk show; TV program; development space
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、中国脱口秀节目的兴起与发展 2
(一)脱口秀节目的概念 2
(二)中国脱口秀节目的背景 2
(三)中国脱口秀节目的主要类型 3
二、中国脱口秀节目的特点 4
(一)话题具时效性和针对性 4
(二)风格幽默且富有感染力 5
(三)背景内容的多样丰富性 5
(四)主持人掌控节目自主性 6
三、中国脱口秀节目存在的问题 7
(一)内容克隆呆板,缺乏创意与个性 7
(二)改变流于形式,忽视内涵的挖掘 7
(三)节目泛娱乐化现象严重 8
(四)缺少具有专业素养的脱口秀人才 9
四、脱口秀节目在中国的发展空间 9
(一)追求内容创新,注重节目内涵 9
(二)形成品牌节目,加强节目推广 10
(三)明确受众定位,强化节目品质 11
(四)开展专业训练,培养高素质人才 11
参考文献 13
脱口秀节目是一种既存在于电视,也存在于广播中的节目形式,对于这一节目概念的探讨重点就在“脱口秀”这三个字。脱口秀节目最原始的状态就是“脱口秀”,它是在18世纪英格兰地区咖啡厅中那些有关于社会热点问题的讨论中产生的,并最终从美国发展起来的一种节目形式。 电视脱口秀节目在中国的发展空间探析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_4388.html