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时间:2017-04-09 12:02来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着媒介技术的不断进步和广泛应用,新媒体以其互动性强、渠道广、覆盖率高、形式丰富、推广方便等特点在现代传媒产业赢得了越来越多受众的青睐。由于媒介环境的改变,电视媒体结束了一家独大的局面,在受到新媒体的冲击的同时,新媒体时代也带给了电视媒体新的机遇。电视媒体应充分运用新媒体带来的新的传播理念,利用媒介技术的变革,借助新媒体平台增强电视媒体的时效性和互动性,进一步拓展电视媒体的服务功能。新媒体时代,电视媒体应抓住机遇,发挥自身的优势,提升自身竞争力,扩大电视媒体的生存空间。6984
 Survival Strategies of Television Media
  in The Era of New Media
    Abstract: With the development and extensive application of media technology, the new media has won more and more audience’s favor in the modern media industry because of its strong interaction, wild channels, high coverage rates, rich forms and convenient popularization. Due to change of the media environment, the television media has ended its dominant status. New media has impacts on television media, at the same time, the era of new media also brings new opportunities to television media. Therefore, television media should make full use of the new concepts brought by new media and changes of media technology to enhance its effectiveness and interactivity by virtue of new media platform, with the purpose of expanding service functions of the television media further. In the era of new media, television medium should seize the opportunities and exert their own advantages, enhance their own competitiveness and expand the survival space for the television media.
    Key Words: the era of new media; television media; survival strategies
目    录
摘 要    1
Abstract.    1
一、新媒体时代电视媒体的现状    2
(一)新媒体的定义    2
(二)电视媒体的现状    3
二、新媒体时代下电视媒体受到的冲击    3
(一)受众需求与传播形式存在冲突    4
(二)广告市场与受众群体被分食    4
(三)经营与运作模式受到挑战    5
三、新媒体时代下电视媒体所面临的机遇    5
(一)新媒体给电视媒体带来新的理论与技术    6
(二)新媒体拓展电视媒体的服务功能    7
(三)新媒体增强电视媒体的时效性和互动性    7
四、新媒体时代电视媒体的生存策略    7
(一)深化电视媒体体制改革    8
(二)坚持内容为王    8
(三)建立电视媒体的品牌化战略    9
(四)加快传播理念的转变    9
(五)拓展媒体平台,建立联盟营销    10
参考文献    11    
新媒体时代下电视媒体生存策略研究新媒体时代的到来,伴随着媒介技术的发展和媒体理念的不断更新,新媒体对电视媒体的冲击越来越大。由于受众“碎片化”的态势加深,媒体传播由“大众传播”向“小众传播”转变,新媒体提供的个性化内容和服务,正好迎合了受众的需求。从而使受众把目光转移到新媒体上来,电视媒体的受众被分去一部分,电视媒体的市场被分食。电视媒体如何在满足受众需求的同时,发挥自身的优势,借鉴新媒体的媒介技术和传播理念,不断优化自己,使其在竞争中处于优势地位,从而赢得受众和媒介市场,应对新媒体时代下新媒体对电视媒体的冲击,是本文研究的重点。 新媒体时代下电视媒体生存策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_4736.html