Abstract:The rapid development of WeChat created a point-to-point and precise marketing approach. WeChat is the most popular media form at present, and many companies choose this platform as a propaganda position. The fierce competition in China’s wedding photography industry forces these companies to exploit innovation in the profit model, and recently a new model of WeChat marketing is emerging -- collecting like marketing through WeChat, which has a great effect on propagandizing products, brands or companies. Some wedding photography companies try to apply this marketing model, but have inadequate understanding of it. Through analyzing the theme strategy and platform strategy of collecting like marketing through WeChat in Wuxi Milan International Wedding Photography, this paper puts forward strategies of collecting like marketing through WeChat for wedding photography companies.
Keywords:WeChat, collecting like marketing through WeChat, marketing strategy, marketing model, wedding photography company
一、前言 5
(一)微信与微信营销 6
(二)微信集赞营销的发展现状 6
(三)有关微信营销研究 7
(四)有关微信集赞营销的研究 8
(五)有关婚纱摄影类企业营销策略的研究 9
(六)文献总结 9
三、研究问题 10
四、研究方法 10
五、案例分析 10
(一)主题策略——节假日营销 10
(二)平台策略——以微信为主,其他平台为辅 12
六、研究结果 17
(一)婚纱摄影类企业微信集赞营销的必要性 17
(二)无锡米兰米兰国际婚纱摄影可借鉴的模式 18
(三)婚纱摄影类企业微信集赞营销中存在的问题和解决方案 19
七、不足与改进 20
(一)研究并不是面面俱到 20
(二)微信集赞营销模式的不成熟 20
结论 21
参考文献 22
致谢 23
微信的迅速发展开创了一种点对点的精准型营销方式,众多企业选择这个平台作为宣传阵地。微信营销被商家追捧的同时,商家也费劲心思玩出新花样。就在2014年初,微信集赞营销模式火速蔓延整个微信朋友圈,只要用户分享商家的链接并集满要求的赞数,并截图给商家,就能兑换相关礼品或服务。介于微信集赞营销对宣传产品、品牌或企业有极大效果,许多主要以线下营销的商家都紧抓住这个契机,吸引许多用户从线上走到线下来消费,提高了知名度也提高了业绩。另中国民政部公布数据表明,目前全国每年结婚新人近1000万对,其中88.4%的新人需要拍摄婚纱照,婚庆消费超过6000亿元,足可见中国婚纱摄影市场的庞大。论文网 婚纱摄影类企业微信集赞的营销策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_75060.html