摘 要:微电影广告是微电影和广告之间的跨境合作,突破了传统的嵌入式广告在形式和内容上的限制,越来越多的产品或品牌倾向于采用这种营销方式进行宣传与推广。“可爱多”系列的微电影广告,自从2012年面世以来,在百度、新浪、人人、土豆网等大型的门户网站掀起一阵又一阵狂潮,被网友大量转发分享,极大地扩大了广告的影响力。然而随着微电影广告的发展,它自身也出现了一些问题。在微电影广告自身的矛盾不成熟的今天,如何更好地发挥微电影广告的作用是值得探讨的话题。本文从微电影广告的产生、发展等原因,以及其表现特点、优劣势,和微电影广告对未来发展建议等角度出发,探析了微电影广告特征,为微电影广告的良好发展提供必要前提。57833
Abstract: Micro-films advertisement is coming into being as a new kind of marketing model,It has being a trend in the development of the industry to be a trend which can not be halted.As the cross-border of cooperation between micro film and advertisement, its advertisement breaks through many restrictions of traditional placement in the form and content,more and more products or brands tend to adopt the way of marketing and publicity to promote.Since its founding in 2012,Set off a frenzy in the BAIDU, SINA, RENREN, TUDOU portal,I’t has a large number of netizens forward to share, Greatly expanded the influence of advertisement.However, with its development advertisement, has many problems. The contradiction between the Excessive use of micro-film advertisement and its own immature is becoming increasingly apparent , how can we let the micro-film advertisement play its role better is the topic which is worth to being explored. The article analyzes of micro-film advertisement from the aspects of reasons in the birth and development of the micro-film advertisement 、the performance characteristics and the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the suggestions for future development of micro-film advertisement, which provide a necessary premise for the good development of micro-film advertisement.
Keywords: micro-films,micro-films advertisement,characteristics
目 录
一、前言 4
二、微电影广告的界定与特点 4
(一)微电影广告的界定 4
(二)微电影广告的特点 5
三、微电影广告诞生与发展的原因 6
(一)我国广告法律法规的影响 6
(二)网络时代媒介环境的影响 6
(三)受众接受习惯的改变 7
四、微电影广告发展的影响因素 7
(一)促进微电影广告发展的有利因素 7
(二)阻碍微电影广告发展的不利因素 8
(一)整合营销,宣传得力 9
(一)提高进入门槛,确保微电影广告的质量 11
(三)实行整合营销 11
当前的微电影广告分为两种,一是由视频类的门户网站架构规划,招集员工摄影制作,并与广告主相互协作,这些电影通常是低成本,生产人员多为民间力量和非专业人员;另一种是直接由广告商,根据自己的需要定制的,这类广告的导演,通常具有的明星阵容,相对较大。[1] 微电影广告特征探析以“可爱多”微电影为例:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_62682.html