摘 要:当今县级电视台由于自身内部资金、技术、设备、人才和管理等方面的欠缺,以及外部媒介竞争激烈的生存环境,县级电视台想要有所发展真是难上加难。为了电视台自身更好的发展,不得不开展各类形式的创收活动,广告创收已经成了县级电视台经济收入的重要组成部分。随着广告市场的繁荣,广告收入已然成为县级媒体生存和发展的生命之脉,但是在县级电视台着急开拓广告业务的同时,问题也随之而来。本文就县级电视台广告业务现状,以仪征电视台为例,找出仪征电视台在广告业务方面存在的问题,针对其虚假广告泛滥,广告形式呆板,低质量广告层出不穷的问题进行简单分析并提出相关的应对策略,同时对县级电视台广告发展提出几点建议。57871
Abstract: Today at the county level television station due to its own internal capital, technology, equipment, the lack of talents and management, as well as the medium of the external competitive environment, the county level television is really difficult to make a development. In order to the better development of television itself, have to carry out various forms of income generating activities, advertising revenue has become a television station at the county level is an important part of economic income. With the prosperity of the advertising market, advertising has become the county media survival and development of the pulse of life, but in the county television station in a hurry to develop at the same time, the advertising business problems followed. In this paper, the county TV advertising business status quo, in yizheng television corporation, for example, to find problem in yizheng television corporation in advertising, put it on a false advertisement, advertising form inflexible, low quality of ads emerge in endlessly question to carry on the simple analysis and put forward relevant strategies, and puts forward some Suggestions on development of the county level television advertising.
Keywords: at the county level television stations, advertising business, the status quo
随着中国市场经济的飞速发展,各种媒体的发展越来越快。随之而来的各个媒体之间的广告竞争也愈演愈烈。近年来, 县级台广告业务快速发展,每年广告收入的增长率也越来越高。县级电视台为了提高经济收入,改善自身条件,增强电视台的实力,对于广告业务收入格外看重。然而, 在追求利润的同时县级台在广告业务受理中也产生了一些问题。地方县级电视台属于四级办台,资源分散,小而全,小而滥,竞争力低下[1]。本文以仪征电视台为例,仪征电视台属于县级台,自1956年创办以来,已经走过了58年的风风雨雨。58年的时间仪征电视台从新闻报道到综合多方面报道,从节目的录播到节目能进行直播,从单方面的播出到有受众参与,从原来的人手切换到现在的自动播出,形成了一切新闻、科教、娱乐、广告等节目资源的相互配套的新格局。即便如此在激烈的广告市场竞争中也同样处于劣势,尤其在广告业务方面表现的尤为突出。 县级电视台广告业务现状研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_62740.html