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时间:2017-05-11 23:17来源:毕业论文

摘  要:在网络快速发展之际,网络舆论受到越来越多人的关注,尤其是网络领袖的言论,引领着社会舆论的发展。但是一些舆论领袖因为各种各样的理由原因,散布谣言,“V”言耸听,甚至用正义善良作为自己的化身来标榜自己,造成恶劣的社会影响。前有新浪微博“大V”薛蛮子因嫖娼被抓,后又有秦火火,“立二拆四”等网络大谣团伙被擒。在这种背景下,毕业论文以“大V”被抓事件为案例来探讨网络舆论领袖的社会责任,通过对网络舆论领袖含义的界定以及其具有的社会责任内容的探讨,分析从“大V”被抓事件暴露出的网络舆论领袖社会责任缺失的问题,并在结论部分加入了自己对如何加强网络舆论领袖社会责任的一些思考。关键词:“大V”被抓事件;网络舆论领袖;社会责任8464
From the  " Big  Vip"  Was Arrested Event Analysis of Social Responsibility Network of Opinion Leaders
Abstract: Occasion in every household in the network, the network of public opinion by more and more attention, especially speech network leaders often become the benchmark of public opinion. However, some opinion leaders for a variety of reasons to consider, at the "V" words towering hear rumors to confuse the people, and even advertised himself as the incarnation of the so-called justice, goodness, often resulting in adverse social impact. Sina Weibo former "Important V" Xue Manzi was arrested because of prostitution, Qin Huohuo, "Li two split four" big ballad gangs and other network captured. In this context, the thesis of "Big V" was arrested incident as a case study to explore the network of opinion leaders in social responsibility, social responsibility and explore content through its network with opinion leaders to define the meaning of the analysis from the "Big V" caught incident has exposed a network of opinion leaders lack of social responsibility issues and join in the conclusion of his opinion leaders on how to strengthen the network of social responsibility some thoughts.
Key Words: " Big Vip" Was Arrested Event;Network of Opinion Leaders;Social Responsibility
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、网络舆论领袖及其社会责任    2
(一)网络舆论领袖的界定    2
(二)网络舆论领袖的社会责任    3
二、从“大V”被抓看网络舆论领袖社会责任的缺失    4
(一)自身诚信观念淡薄    4
(二)自身对话语权的滥用    5
(三)自身忽视对社会正能量的传播    5
三、加强网络舆论领袖社会责任的措施    6
(一)建立和完善网络舆论领袖的诚信教育机制    6
(二)加强政府部门对网络舆论领袖话语权使用的监督    7
(三)倡导网络舆论领袖积极传播社会正能量    7
参考文献    8
舆论领袖的概念是由哥伦比亚大学的保罗•拉扎斯菲尔德提出的。他指出,“在人际传播网络中经常为他人提供信息、意见、评论,并对他人施加影响的‘活跃分子’是舆论领袖”。而今天我们理解的舆论领袖概念,主要是指热心于公共事业,具有良好的语言表达能力和一定的信息来源渠道,能够经常为他人提供信息、观点或建议,并对他人思想和行为产生影响的人”。 组成网络舆论领袖的角色可以各种不同,他们的水平也参差不一。有一些舆论领袖是强大而公认的,而另一些则不然。政府官员、单位领导、群体骨干、社会名流、媒体记者等,他们具有较高的知名度、较高的智德水平、广泛的社会交往和较强的社会活动能力,属于消息灵通人士,是一些较有影响的舆论领袖。 从“大V”被抓事件看网络舆论领袖的社会责任:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_6845.html