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时间:2021-05-20 22:20来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  电视新闻评论节目;现状;新形态;发展趋势

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  New Forms and Trends of TV News Commentary programs              



After decades of development, Chinese TV news commentary programs have made some achievements. However, there are still some problems, such as mixed reports and comments, lack of personalized expression. In response to these problems, the majority of TV people have to seek a way out. So that a variety of new types of television programs are legion. By innovation and reform, Chinese TV news commentary programs have made their new trends and roads. The mode with the host and commentator, group mouth reviews, the news magazine style and other new forms greatly enriched the Chinese TV news comments. By innovating and reforming, such programs have gained their new trends and roads, of which the most notable is the combination of network technology and television technology. This achievement provides more space for the development TV news comments. Both coexistence of a variety of programs and the fast growth of excellent commentator team will become the development trend of the future of television news commentary program

Keywords  TV news commentary program; Status quo; New forms; New trends

目   次

1  引言 1

1.1 研究背景 1   

1.2 研究意义 2

2 电视新闻评论节目发展历程 3

3 电视新闻评论节目现状 5

3.1 电视新闻评论节目类型 6

3.2 电视新闻评论节目存在的主要问题 6

4 电视新闻评论节目的新发展 8

4.1 电视新闻评论节目的新形态 8

4.1.1 深度报道+评论员模式——《新闻1+1》  8

4.1.2 群口点评新闻评论节目——《新闻夜宴》10

4.1.3 新闻资讯杂志式——浙江卫视《九点半》11

4.2 电视新闻评论节目的发展趋势  13

结论    16

致谢  17

参考文献  18

1 引言

 1.1 研究背景

新闻传播中,最为基本的便是新闻的报道与评论。报道与评论侧重点不一,前者注重于信息的传播,是整个新闻传播的根本。在此基础上,新闻评论——现代新闻体裁中一种比较年轻、仍然处于发育阶段的传播形式应运而生。与新闻报道不同,新闻评论是大众传播媒介对于新闻事实立场、观点、态度的直接表现,其在反映舆论走向的同时也引导着受众对于新闻事实的舆论分析,是整个新闻传播过程的灵魂。 电视新闻评论节目的新形态与发展趋势:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_75346.html
