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时间:2021-05-24 19:58来源:毕业论文
针对网红为影视产业发展带来的问题提出了建议和 对策,同时也是为网红对影视产业发展的影响作进一步的补充。未来网红深入和 多元化的影视产业发展道路必将伴随着网红的自我完善

内容摘要随着网红在影视产业中的不断活跃,网红对影视产业的影响愈加深刻。本文 从网红与影视产业之间结合的发展历程和相关典型案例入手,描述和分析了网红 与影视产业之间的关系—网红逐渐成为影视产业发展的新兴力量。通过调查网红 在影视产业中的表现形式、典型案例和相关数据,为进一步论证网红进入影视产 业的必然性及网红对影视产业发展的影响分析提供了依据。网红经济的崛起和网 红转型影视演员、编剧、导演以及网生内容创作等形式打破了传统影视明星的生 态平衡,催生了网红影视明星的发展模式,如白客、陈都灵等,同时增加了基于 网红粉丝效应的影视产业附加价值,在一定程度上刺激了影视产业旧的格局,客 观上推动了影视产业的升级。针对网红为影视产业发展带来的问题提出了建议和 对策,同时也是为网红对影视产业发展的影响作进一步的补充。未来网红深入和 多元化的影视产业发展道路必将伴随着网红的自我完善和影视产业的不断调整 和改造。通过影响性研究寻求网红与影视产业之间的结合点可以更好的推动影视 产业发展的新思路、新模式,营造互利共赢的发展格局,打造网红+影视新的良 性生态产业链。67326

毕业论文关键词:网红 影视产业 影响 网红经济 问题

Abstract With the increasing activity of Internet celebrities in the film and television industry, the influence of Internet celebrities on the film industry is becoming more and more profound。 This paper from the web celebrity and combination between the film and television industry development course and the related typical cases, described and analyzed the web celebrity and the relationship between the film and television industry – web celebrity has gradually become the emerging power of film and television industry development。 Through investigation network red in the film and television industry, typical cases and related data, in order to further demonstrate web celebrity in film and television industry and the inevitability of web celebrity influence analysis of the film and television industry development to provide the basis。 Web celebrity economic rise and transformation of web celebrity, film and television actor, screenwriter, director and web content creation has broken the traditional form of the ecological balance of the movie star, has given rise to the development of web celebrity, film and television star patterns, such as white clan, Chen Turin, at the same time increased the effect based on web celebrity fans, film and television industry added value, to a certain extent, to stimulate the old pattern, film and television industry, objectively promotes the upgrade of the film and television industry。 Against problems existing in the development of web celebrity in the film and television industry put forward the Suggestions and countermeasures, and for web celebrity influence on the development of film and television industry for further   supplement。 In the future, the development of the film industry will be accompanied by the self-improvement of the Internet and the constant adjustment and transformation  of the film industry。 Through research for web celebrity and influence between the film and television industry combining site can better promote the development of film and television industry new ideas, new model, create a win-win development pattern, develop web celebrity + film new benign ecological industrial chain。

Key words:online celebrity,The industry of film and television, influences,Web celebrity economy,problem

内容摘要 网红对影视产业发展的影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_75466.html
