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时间:2021-02-24 20:07来源:毕业论文
Paper at first introduced many object-oriented analysis and design of related concepts and technologies, which also are introduced in this article apply to relevant examples of object-oriented, is lik

Paper at first introduced many object-oriented analysis and design of related concepts and technologies, which also are introduced in this article apply to relevant examples of object-oriented, is like saying that the object-oriented analysis and design process; This recipe search software development techniques used by VS2005 characteristics, how to use, how to perfect combination to this system. How to implement this system, the feasibility of the system is how to, also is a key point in the research of this thesis, then research the design thought of this system was the result of what, want to and a general framework and eventually want to reach a what kind of results are a clear planning.

Try to use this design on the network architecture model used by VS2005 a food culture sites, so that each user never leave home, at home can through the network to understand the nutrition knowledge.

Key words: food culture, ASP.NET, SQL Server database

 目  录

1 系统概述 6

1.1 研究现状 6

1.2 研究意义 7

1.1.1 有利于中国古代饮食文化和现代家常菜谱的接轨 7

1.1.2 能够有效宣传中国的饮食文化 7

1.1.3 有利于对市场上的餐饮行业监督和提高整个餐饮行业的素质 8

1.1.4 提高行业竞争能力,增强经济效益的有效途径 8

2 系统开发环境 9

2.1 ASP.NET概述 9

2.2 动态网站技术介绍 11

2.3 数据库技术 11

2.4 ADO.NET连接数据库 12

3 需求分析 14

3.1 可行性分析 14

3.1.1 技术可行性 14

3.1.2 经济可行性 15

3.1.3 操作可行性 15

3.2 计算机软硬件配置和开发平台 16

3.2.1 计算机系统硬件配置 16

3.2.2 计算机系统软件配置 16

3.2.3 编程环境与工具 16

4 系统概要设计 17

4.1 概述 17

4.2 系统结构 17

4.3 数据库设计 18

4.3.1 数据库E-R图 18

4.3.2 asp.net+sqlserver食谱搜索软件的设计与实现(2):http://www.751com.cn/yanjiu/lunwen_69944.html
